Warframe as a game is always changing and evolving. Two major examples that I have personally played through are the U22.12 weapon overhaul, and the U27.2 Warframe Revised update. Unfortunately for a sporadic content creator like myself, this means that my content is made redundant over time, and I don't have the time to update everything. As such, please take note of the version at the time of each review's latest update.

Baro Ki'Teer

Baro Ki'Teer is a trader who appears at one of the Relays every two weeks for the weekend. He sells various items for credits and Ducats, a currency you earn by trading in unwanted Prime parts at Ducat Kiosks in the relays.
In Baro visit posts, I roughly rank the functional items according to how good they are, and how highly I would prioritise their purchase if you're on a limited budget. Please note that these rankings are subjective. Cosmetic items are ignored for this as the desirability of those items is entirely subjective.

Must Buy: If it is at all possible to acquire these items, I strongly recommend doing so. These items are typically either very powerful and/or versatile, and often get a lot of use.
Good: If you have any credits/Ducats/time left over after acquiring the Must Buys, these items are also worth going for. These are typically also fairly powerful and useful, but not as much as ones listed above.
Niche: Only go for these if you really like the item, if you're a completionist or if you have the credits/Ducats/time to spare. These items may have some uses, but not as much as the above rated items. Alternatively, items that are of low priority also fit in here. Notably, Sands of Inaros and the Baro Void-Signal are always labelled as "Niche", as both are always in Baro's inventory.
Do Not Buy: These items can typically either be acquired more cheaply or easily through other means, or offer no real value. Only get if you're an absolute completionist, or in some cases if trading is not an option for you.

The following items are always in Baro's inventory:
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime.





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