
Saturday 21 December 2019

Sunday 8 December 2019

Review: Kuva Drakgoon (U26.1.3)

The MR13 Kuva Drakgoon is a massive upgrade over the base Drakgoon, with good Crit and high Status Chance. With one of the best stat distributions of any Shotgun in the game, it is a little unorthodox, but is quite powerful and a surprising amount of fun.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 6/12/19

A number of decent items this visit, definitely worth farming for.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Random: Weapon Exilus revitalised my Secura Dual Cestra (U26.1)

The Secura Dual Cestra is one of my favourite secondaries, mainly because I love blasting walls of neon lasers everywhere. Unfortunately, its drawbacks coupled with Secondary mandatory mods meant that I was previously never able to have it user-friendly, as well as fully effective. The implementation of Melee 3.0 (well, 2.9 implemented the important change), coupled with the Weapon Exilus slot allowed me to finally (somewhat) realise my dream of an effective and user-friendly Secura Dual Cestra.

Baro Ki'Teer: 22/11/19

Couple of solid items with Baro this time around, but very little new.

Friday 22 November 2019

Prime Unvaulting: Ash and Vauban Primes (2019)

With so many Primes in the game now, DE are stepping up the frequency of Unvaultings. This time around it's Ash and Vauban's turn to become available once more. This Unvaulting is currently available.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Review: Kuva Brakk (U26.0.7)

The Kuva Brakk is one of the new Kuva weapons, used and dropped by Kuva Liches introduced in U26. Even ignoring its Lich damage bonus, the Kuva Brakk has impressive base stats, resulting in incredible close-range firepower.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Review: Ballistica Prime (U26.0.3)

The Ballistica Prime is an MR14 Crossbow Secondary. Released alongside Hydroid and Nami Skyla Primes in U21.6, it is a weapon that has been left largely untouched since release. As such, especially in light of the major weapon rebalance in U22.12 and more recent releases, it has largely been powercreeped and outclassed.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Tactical Alert: Hallowed Flame

Hallowed Flame is a Tactical Alert active now, lasting until the 1st of November.

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/10/19

A pretty large stock from Baro today, definitely a good number of things to buy if you have the Ducats and Credits.

Saturday 12 October 2019

Review: Sobek (U25.8.1)

The Sobek is an MR7 shotgun with high capacity, and access to two decent Augment mods. With somewhat lackluster stats, requiring very restrictive builds or Rivens for optimal performance, it is a fun, though largely unexceptional Shotgun.

Baro Ki'Teer 11/10/19

A fairly large Baro stock this time around, with a couple new items, though mostly cosmetics.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Review: Acceltra (U25.7.8)

The Acceltra is an MR8 rapid-fire rocket launcher Primary. With very high Crit and a solid AoE, it is a powerful explosive weapon, though like with the Akarius, has its own share of downsides.

Friday 27 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 27/9/19

This fortnight's Baro visit has a few decent items, certainly not his worst stock.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Review: Akarius (U25.7.6)

The Akarius is an MR8 explosive secondary, and is Gauss' signature sidearm. It deals significant damage in a wide radius, with high Status capabilities and delayed arming to mitigate self-damage. It is a fairly powerful secondary, though is held back by horribly long Reload Time and a tiny spare ammo reserve.

Friday 13 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 13/9/19

Couple of useful items in stock this time, including some new decorations.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Review: Frost (Prime) (U25.7.5)

Frost, as his name suggests, is an ice-themed Warframe, originally released all the way back in U6. Frost Prime isn't much younger, being the first standard acquirable Prime Frame, released in U7.10. With several ways of slowing or stopping enemies, Frost is a potent, primarily defensive Warframe.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 30/8/19

Apologies for this post being quite late, I spent most of the weekend at the Australia X-Wing System Open (made the top 32 cut).

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Prime Unvaulting: Saryn + Valkyr (2019)

The latest Prime Unvaulting has been announced, and it will consist of Saryn and Valkyr Primes. It will open on September 3rd, 2019.

Saturday 17 August 2019

Review: Quartakk (U25.6.3)

The Quartakk is four-barreled MR10 Burst-Fire Rifle, with solid overall stats but a relatively slow RoF. It is an unusual Burst-Fire Rifle, easily distinguishing itself from the other Burst Rifles in the game, though has its own share of downsides.

Friday 16 August 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 16/8/19

Several decent buys from Baro this time around.

Saturday 3 August 2019

Review: Quatz (U25.5.2)

The Quatz is an MR9 dual-mode pistol, released in U25.4. Uniquely, its firing mode is set by whether you are aiming or firing from the hip. Firing from hip uses Full-Auto, while aiming switches to Burst-Fire. With distinct stats in its two firing modes, it is a versatile and fairly powerful secondary.

Tactical Alert: Dog Days

Dog Days is an unusual Tactical Alert run by a seemingly drunk or high on gas Kela de Thaym, in which you and the Rathuum Executioners fight using water blasters. This Tactical Alert lasts until 12th of August, 1100 ET.

Friday 2 August 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 2/8/19

Couple of decent items in Baro's stock, though nothing essential.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Review: Zhuge Prime (U25.4.3)

The Zhuge Prime is an MR14 Full-Auto crossbow, released in U25.3 alongside Wukong and Ninkondi Primes. With several unique features over the base Zhuge, and overall strong base stats, it is a powerful, though at times frustrating, crossbow.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Loadouts: Defection Oberon

Defection is one of the most disliked Mission Types in Warframe, combining the tedium and frustration of Escort missions with rather poor AI, for a potentially infuriating time. Given it is the only source of Harrow Systems however, as well as being a potential Sortie mission, it is worth preparing for. This is my go-to build for any typical Defection mission, making the majority of them extremely easy.

Saturday 20 July 2019

Tactical Alert: Proxy Rebellion

A quick Tactical Alert post, this one has been seen before (in fact I've done it before, a while back). In these missions, all Corpus units have been replaced by robotic enemies, notably including Hyenas. Eximus units become increasingly common as the missions go on.

The first mission is a 10-wave Defence. The second is a 3-wave Interception. Mission 3 is a 10-minute Survival. The last mission is a 20-wave Defence.

Notably, besides all of the other useful reward, completing the last mission awards the Rakta Syandana and Stratos Emblem.

The event is live until the 22nd of July.

Baro Ki'Teer: 19/7/19

The first Baro since Tennocon, with a couple of good items.

Thursday 18 July 2019

Prime Unvaulting: Nyx + Rhino (2019)

New (well, old) batch of Unvaulted Prime stuff, Nyx and Rhino Primes and their respective weapons. It is currently available (opened July 16th), and will close again September 17.

Sunday 14 July 2019

Review: Spectra Vandal (U25.3.2)

The Spectra Vandal is an MR10 beam secondary, introduced in U25. It has no notable gimmick or special feature, but sports very strong overall base stats. It is a very capable secondary and can tackle the majority of content without much issue.

Sunday 7 July 2019

Review: Komorex (U25.2.4)

The Komorex is a very different MR8 Sniper Rifle, with completely unique mechanics for a Sniper as well as an unusual stat distribution. Released in U25, it is quite an unorthodox weapon, but nevertheless packs an impressive amount of firepower.

Sunday 30 June 2019

Review: Cernos Prime (U25.2.4)

The Cernos Prime is an unusual MR12 bow that fires at base 3 arrows in a spread. Originally released alongside Valkyr and Venka Primes, it has quite good total firepower, but can take a lot of getting used to.

Friday 28 June 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/6/19

Not a great visit this time, but there are still a few items of good use.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Review: Glaxion Vandal (U25.2.2)

The Glaxion Vandal is an MR12 beam Rifle, with a heavy focus on elemental Status. With several improvements over the base Glaxion, as well as having benefitted greatly from the beam weapon rework in U22.13-22.14, it is a fairly capable weapon.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Event: Operation Plague Star

Operation: Plague Star is a recurring event involving the Infested on the Plains of Eidolon. As this is the first time it's returned since I started this blog, I thought it worth some time doing a write-up of it.

Friday 14 June 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/6/19

Bit of a hit-and-miss visit, a few good things but also some ignorable stuff.

Monday 10 June 2019

Review: Fulmin (U25.1.1)

The Fulmin is an MR8 Assault Rifle with two distinct firing modes, released in U25. Its default Semi-Auto mode fires a large electric wave, similar to the Arca Plasmor. Its Full-Auto mode is more conventional, rapidly firing lightning bolts. With high crit and good versatility, the Fulmin is a solid and unique rifle.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Review: Cyanex (U25.0.8)

The Cyanex is an unusual MR8 secondary with two distinct firing modes, released in U25. Its Primary Fire launches explosive, homing projectiles that also bounce, while its Secondary Fire rapidly ejects all of its ammo straight ahead. With both firing modes having exceptional status capabilities and their own unique features, the Cyanex is a decently powerful and rather fun secondary.

Friday 31 May 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 31/5/19

A good visit to save your credits and Ducats, or get Sands of Inaros if you haven't already. Not much here that is particularly worth pursuing gameplay-wise.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Boss: Ropalolyst

The Ropalolyst is a new boss, introduced in the Jovian Concord Update (U25). It has a pre-requisite of completing the Chimera Prologue first, and contains a number of story spoilers.

Friday 24 May 2019

Event: Operation Hostile Mergers (U25.0.2)

Update 25 brought with it a lot of content, including a new game mode in Disruption. It has been highlighted in a new Operation: Hostile Mergers.

Friday 17 May 2019

Review: Lex Prime (U24.8.3)

The Lex Prime is an MR8 pistol originally introduced back in U13. It is slow firing, but packs a lot of firepower. As an "Unvaultable" Prime with Common rarity parts, it is also an ideal Prime weapon for a newer player to pursue.

Baro Ki'Teer: 17/5/19

Reasonable Baro stock today, even if it is mostly repeats.

Primed Pack Leader was added in afterwards too.

Saturday 11 May 2019

Tactical Alert: Wolf Hunt

Wolf Hunt is a short-lived Tactical Alert that makes the Wolf of Saturn Six farmable.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Review: Astilla (U24.8.2)

The Astilla is a rather unusual MR10 shotgun, firing glass slugs that explode on impact. Behaving more like an automatic grenade launcher, it is nonetheless a fun and rather effective primary.

Friday 3 May 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 3/5/19

Pretty solid visit from Baro this fortnight, definitely worth the Ducat + Credit farm.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Prime Unvaulting: Volt and Loki

The next set of Unvaulted Primes has been revealed, with Volt and Loki Primes becoming available once more. For most platforms, the Unvaulting is scheduled to begin on April 30th, ending around July 2nd.

Monday 22 April 2019

Review: Secura Dual Cestra (U24.7.2)

The Secura Dual Cestra is a high capacity MR10 dual secondary that showers its victims in laser bolts. With high RoF, heavy recoil, and a painfully long reload, it is a fun and reasonably powerful, but flawed weapon.

Friday 19 April 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 19/4/19

Reasonable turnout from Baro this time, not the best but far from the worst.