
Sunday 1 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 30/8/19

Apologies for this post being quite late, I spent most of the weekend at the Australia X-Wing System Open (made the top 32 cut).

"New" Items

  • Zylok - MR6 duplex-fire Secondary. It's a slow-firing Slash-focused Status Pistol with decent raw damage, but minimal Crit. The Zylok is pretty much a baby Sybaris, with the trigger type and stat distribution of a Tigris, though far less powerful than either. It's an ok Slash-proccing pistol, but there are much better options out there. Worth noting that this is the first time it's been available since the Event.


Must Buy

  • Primed Point Blank - +165% Damage for Shotguns. More damage for some of the most powerful weapons in the game.
  • Supra Vandal - MR14 Full-Auto Rifle. Great Status ability with overall very solid stats, massive Mag Capacity, and access to a solid Syndicate Augment in Entropy Burst. Has a high RoF with short spool-up. One of the best and most fun Rifles in the game currently.


  • Prisma Dual Cleavers - Dual Sword Melee. Has very good Crit as well as Status Chance, and high Slash bias. However, like most other Dual Swords, its Range is fairly poor. Still quite a strong Melee.
  • Zylok - see above.
  • Primed Morphic Transformer - +55% Power Strength for Archwing. Might be more relevant with Railjack/Empyrean coming out soon(tm), but otherwise there's not a whole lot of Archwing content currently.


  • Primed Fast Hands - +55% Reload Speed for Rifles. A nice mod for some weapons (e.g. Bows, Vulkar [Wraith]), but often goes on weapons that are already struggling for mod slots.
  • Stalker Beacon - Gear item to forcibly summon the Stalker. Useful if you really want his drops, but does not give anything extra over his usual random encounters.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always available from Baro so not a priority, but a good buy nonetheless.

Do Not Buy

  • Buzz Kill/Sweeping Serration/Maim - +120% Slash for Melee/Shotguns/Secondaries. Besides being very niche mods, they also drop from the Hydrolyst, so can be bought from other players for quite cheap.

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