
Saturday 26 October 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/10/19

A pretty large stock from Baro today, definitely a good number of things to buy if you have the Ducats and Credits.

New Items

  • Asra/Puspa Luxxum Ornament - Decorations.


Must Buy

  • Primed Continuity - +55% Ability Duration for Warframes. You can find a use for this mod on just about every Warframe, and it is the biggest single-slot +Duration mod besides Narrow Minded.
  • Primed Reach (pending Melee 3.0) - +165% Range for Melee. In its current form, gives already long range weapons (e.g. whips, polearms) even more absurdly long range. It is getting changed in the soon-to-be-released Melee 3.0, so may change in value significantly.


  • Prisma Gorgon - MR11 Spool-Up Rifle. Has very impressive Crit for quite high damage output, counterbalanced by several notable flaws (slow Reload, high Recoil, poor Accuracy). Very powerful, but not as user-friendly as some other Full-Auto Rifles.
  • Primed Fever Strike - +165% Toxin for Melee. A big damage boost for any Melee that has the space for it, with the best single element in the game.
  • Primed Cryo Rounds - +165% Cold for Rifles. A significant damage boost for any Rifle that can fit in, provided the added Cold damage is not detrimental. Notably good for Viral + Slash/HM builds.
  • Primed Heated Charge - +165% Heat for Secondaries. Heat is arguably the worst single element currently, though this is slated to change alongside Ember's rework. Adds a lot of damage to any Secondary that wants +Heat.


  • Prisma Skana (pending Melee 3.0) - Single Sword Melee. Vastly outclassed by several other Single Swords (notably Broken War, Krohkur and Zaws), but may be significantly improved in Melee 3.0.
  • Prova Vandal (pending Melee 3.0) - MR3 Machete. Vastly outclassed by Zaw Machetes, but may be significantly improved in Melee 3.0.
  • Primed Quickdraw - +88% Reload Speed for Secondaries. A really good mod for some particular Secondaries (e.g. AkLex Prime, Twin Grakatas), but often has to compete for a mod slot that is in very high demand from other really good mods (e.g. Seeker).
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest to acquire Inaros. Always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • 3 Day Credit Booster - Useful if you intend to farm Credits, but better value if bought directly from Market for Plat.

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