
Saturday 26 October 2019

Tactical Alert: Hallowed Flame

Hallowed Flame is a Tactical Alert active now, lasting until the 1st of November.

The three standard missions are all the same Survival mission, just different lengths. The first mission is only 5 minutes long, the second 7 minutes, and the third 10 minutes long. By the end of the third mission, enemies were around level 60.
Once all three standard missions are complete, an Endurance node opens up, with a reward for reaching around 15 minutes. By the 15 minute mark, enemy levels were around 120.

These missions are rather different to the usual Survival. By default, all enemies are invulnerable.
The only enemy not invulnerable is the Zealoid Bastion, who carries a special lamp which is dropped on death. The lamp can be carried around, or left on the ground.
This lamp renders all enemies within its radius vulnerable, however its charge and radius deplete quickly (seems to take about 20 seconds to deplete the lamp completely), and must be constantly replenished. It is replenished either by killing enemies, or breaking the many pumpkin containers around the map. This mechanic replaces the usual life support system of Survival.
The minimap displays the effective radius of the lamp at all times in blue, as well as the area where enemies will spawn from in red.
Additionally, there are 3 caches hidden around the map.

Overall I think this event is a nice change of pace. The small effective radius of the lamp forces squads to stay close together, and the fast depletion of the lamp requires constant attention to maintain charge. This can result in some very close calls, in my Endurance run our squad dropped to about 5% lamp charge with about 30 seconds remaining. We barely managed to replenish it sufficiently to reach the necessary score of 900.

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