
Friday 19 April 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 19/4/19

Reasonable turnout from Baro this time, not the best but far from the worst.

New Items

  • Prisma Avia Chest Plate - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Primed Pressure Point - +165% Damage for Melee. Straight up damage increase for melee, nothing more to say. Get it.
  • Supra Vandal - powerful MR14 spool-up rifle with great Status Chance, usable crit, and a pretty good Syndicate Augment. Among the best rifles in the game currently, absolutely worth the buy.


  • Primed Cryo Rounds - +165% Cold for Rifles. Great for boosting direct damage, also works very nicely in a Viral + Hunter Munitions build. Can be difficult to fit in builds due to its D polarity. Not recommended for Status builds where the main combo does not include Cold, due to status proc distributions.
  • Primed Heated Charge - +165% Heat for Secondaries. Again, a great direct damage boost, notably good for Radiation builds. Again, not recommended for builds where Status is a primary concern, but Heat is not part of the main combo.


  • Machete Wraith - a slightly less terrible version of the incredibly awful Machete. Barring a massive buff from the upcoming Melee 3.0, is a rubbish weapon only useful for Mastery.
  • Sands of Inaros - quest to obtain Inaros. Always available from Baro, so not a high priority.

Do Not Buy

  •  Buzz Kill/Sweeping Serration/Maim - Can be obtained from in-game drop sources (Hydrolyst), or from trading with other players for much less than Baro's asking price.

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