
Saturday 21 December 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 20/12/19

Last Baro of the year.

New Items

  • Primed Smite - +55% Faction Damage for Melee. Extremely powerful, especially for damage-over-time Status builds, but frustrating to switch around for each faction, and hilariously overkill for the majority of content.


Must Buy

  • Ignis Wraith (if on Switch) - MR9 flamethrower Primary. Incredible against crowds with its massive AoE, and quite effective against other targets too, with decent Crit and very high Status Chance. Among the best and most popular Rifles in the game.
  • Supra Vandal - MR14 Spool-up Rifle. Amazing Status weapon, with usable Crit. A lot of fun and quite powerful, among the best Rifles in the game currently.


  • Primed Morphic Transformer - +55% Power Strength for Archwing. Quite a useful Archwing mod, which with Railjack now live, is somewhat more important than before.


  • Primed Smite - +55% Faction Damage for Melee. As mentioned above, though powerful, they are hilariously overkill for most standard content, and frustrating to switch around for each Faction.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • Ignis Wraith (if not on Switch) - BP can be acquired readily from other players for essentially free if you ask around.

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