
Sunday 5 January 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 3/1/20

First Baro visit of the year, this post is late because I only just got back home.

New Items

  • Parazon Poster - Decoration.


Must Buy

  • Jolt/Voltaic Strike/High Voltage/Shell Shock - 60/60 Electric mods. Essential for many builds and very useful overall.


  • Eminence - Colour palette that does not cost plat.


  • 3 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster - Doubles the drop chance of mods. Not currently available from Market. Notably affects the drop chance of Railjack Avionics. Useful if you intend to farm Avionics, or particular rarely dropping mods (e.g. Condition Overload).
  • Zylok - MR6 Slash Status Secondary. Procs Slash quite consistently, but is rather outclassed by several other Secondaries, such as AkJagara Prime.
  • Vulkar Wraith - MR7 Sniper Rifle. Largely outclassed by many other powerful Snipers, such as Rubico and Vectis Primes.
  • Sands of Inaros. Quest for Inaros. Always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • None

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