
Friday 31 May 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 31/5/19

A good visit to save your credits and Ducats, or get Sands of Inaros if you haven't already. Not much here that is particularly worth pursuing gameplay-wise.

New Items

  • Diriga Desert-Camo Skin: Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  •  None.


  • Primed Charged Shell: +165% Electricity for Shotguns. A large damage boost that also combines into two good elemental combos (Corrosive or Radiation), but not the easiest mod to fit into builds. By far the best item of this visit.


  • Prisma Angstrum: MR8 Secondary Launcher. Powerful hybrid weapon with unusual charge-fire, but packs more than enough self-damage to instakill just about any Frame when decently modded. Most notable if you like launcher weapons, or if you want Mastery.
  • Prisma Veritux: Archmelee. Thoroughly mediocre, only worth buying for Mastery.
  • Primed Bane of Infested/Corpus/Grineer/Corrupted: +55% Faction Damage for Rifles. Pretty overkill for most content and difficult to fit in many builds, most notably useful for Gas/Slash status builds. May be worth investing in if you intend to undertake extremely long endurance missions.
  • Stalker Beacon: Beacon that forcibly spawns (Shadow) Stalker. Useful if you desperately want to farm his drops, but pretty expensive for not great value. Does not offer anything that you can't get normally from regular random (Shadow) Stalker spawns.
  • Sands of Inaros: Quest to obtain Inaros. Worth purchasing, but always in Baro's inventory so not a priority.

Do Not Buy

  • 3 Day Resource Booster: Can be obtained more cheaply by trading items for Platinum, and buying directly from Market. Decent buy if Trading is not desirable/possible.

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