
Friday 3 May 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 3/5/19

Pretty solid visit from Baro this fortnight, definitely worth the Ducat + Credit farm.

New Items

  •  Prisma Avia Shoulder Plate - Cosmetic


Must Buy

  • Primed Point Blank - +165% Damage for Shotguns. More damage for an already powerful weapon class. Buy if at all possible.
  • Primed Regen - 3 revives for Sentinels. Extremely useful for keeping your Sentinel around at higher levels and in longer missions. Ensures that whatever Precepts you have on your Sentinel stick around longer (e.g. Vacuum, Medi-Ray, Ammo Case). Very much worth buying.
  • Primed Flow - +275% Max Energy for Warframes. Allows you to cast abilities more before having to worry about energy. Great for almost every Warframe.
  • Primed Ravage - +110% Crit Damage for Shotguns. There aren't too many crit shotguns currently in the game (though the number has been steadily increasing), but every one of them really appreciates the damage boost of Primed Ravage over regular Ravage.


  • Axi A2 Relic - Relic containing AkLex Prime parts. AkLex Prime is exclusive to this relic, and is a powerful, if rather flawed, MR15 secondary, with high damage-per-shot, but heavy recoil and a slow reload. Worth acquiring, but in more recent times, has been powercreeped by other releases (e.g. Tombfinger Kitguns).
  • Primed Morphic Transformer - +55% power Strength for Archwing. Not particularly useful currently given the heavily limited selection of Archwing missions, but will be quite useful if/when Archwing gets more attention.


  • Primed Fast Hands - +55% Reload Speed for non-Shotgun Primaries. Notably useful on a handful of weapons, primarily Bows due to their single shot. Limited usefulness otherwise, given many primaries are at a premium for mod slots already.
  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 status Rifle. Vastly outclassed by many other weapons.
  • Viper Wraith - MR4 crit pistol. Vastly outclassed by many other weapons.
  • Sands of Inaros - quest to acquire Inaros. A good buy, but always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • 3 Day Affinity Booster - can be acquired for cheaper by simply trading your Prime parts for Plat, and buying the Booster directly from Market.

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