
Friday 13 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 13/9/19

Couple of useful items in stock this time, including some new decorations.

New Items

  • Mahd/Akka Luxxum Ornament - Decorations.


Must Buy

  • Ignis Wraith (Nintendo Switch) - MR9 Flamethrower with great Status Chance and solid Crit. Exceptional against crowds, and effective against most other targets. Among the best rifles in the game.
  • Primed Regen - +3 revives for Companions, with 11 seconds of invulnerability. Keeps your Companion alive longer, meaning it provides you with Vacuum, (Primed) Animal Instinct and any Precepts active for longer than regular Regen. Not a power boost in any way, but a massive improvement in convenience at higher levels.
  • Primed Ravage - +110% Crit Damage for Shotguns. There aren't too many Crit Shotguns currently in Warframe, but the ones that are in-game really appreciate the boost from Primed Ravage.


  • Primed Flow - +275% Max Energy for Warframes. Notably useful on any Warframes with channelling abilities (e.g. Ember's World on Fire), as it lets them keep their abilities active much longer. Not as powerful as many other Primed mods however, as it does not provide any direct power boosts.
  • Axi A2 Relic - Relic containing exclusive parts for AkLex Prime. AkLex Prime is a powerful Secondary, but has been largely outclassed with recent powercreep (Catchmoon and Tombfinger Kitguns are notably absurd).


  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 Full-Auto Rifle. Solid Status Chance, but easily outclassed by many other Primaries.
  • Primed Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol Ammo Mutation - Improved Ammo Mutation for Rifles/Shotguns/Secondaries. Of the relatively few weapons that actually want the Ammo Mutation mods, even fewer get any real benefit from the Primed version.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always available, so not a priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Ignis Wraith (PC/Xbox/PS4) - Players on these consoles can simply acquire the blueprint from certain clans, and they can also be traded between players. Simply ask around and you'll usually find a few people happy to just give away the blueprints.

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