
Friday 27 September 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 27/9/19

This fortnight's Baro visit has a few decent items, certainly not his worst stock.

New Items

  • Zag/Dvad Luxxum Ornament - Decorations.


Must Buy

  • Primed Pistol Gambit - +187% Crit Chance for Secondaries. There are a number of very powerful Crit-based Secondaries currently available, and Primed Pistol Gambit just makes them better. It also doesn't hurt that PPG is only 3 drain higher than regular Pistol Gambit, where most Primed mods are usually 5 drain higher.


  • Vulkar Wraith - MR7 Sniper Rifle. Has a few decent improvements over the base Vulkar, and retains its access to the very good Lasting Purity Augment. Remains largely outclassed by the high-end Sniper Rifles (mainly Rubico and Vectis Primes).


  • Primed Banes - +55% damage to particular Faction. A powerful last mod, since its multiplier is applied separately to everything else. Exceptionally effective for Toxin/Slash/Gas Status builds, as they double-dip (triple-dip for Gas!) the multiplier for a much larger bonus. The main problem with Banes is having to switch them out for each different Faction. They're also hilariously overkill for the majority of content in the game.
  • Primed Slip Magazine - +55% Mag Capacity for Secondaries. Appreciated only by a select few weapons, and often has to compete with many other good mods, like Augur Pact and Seeker. Probably won't find a place in builds without sacrificing something else for it.
  • Viper Wraith - MR4 Secondary. Crit-focused, but largely outclassed by many other Full-Auto Secondaries.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • 3 Day Resource Booster - Better value can be acquired from selling your Prime parts for Plat, then buying the booster directly from Market.

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