
Friday 2 August 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 2/8/19

Couple of decent items in Baro's stock, though nothing essential.

New Items

  • Machete Syachid Skin - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Prisma Grinlok - A powerful MR11 Semi-Auto Rifle. Very good Crit, Status Chance and Slash bias, as well as access to an extremely strong Syndicate Augment in Deadly Sequence. Slow-firing Rifles aren't to everyone's taste, but if they're something you're interested in, I'd strongly recommend the Prisma Grinlok. It is the best non-Sniper Semi-Auto Rifle in the game currently, and a great Primary overall.


  • Tempo Royale - A solid stance for Heavy Blade Melees. Doesn't compare in raw damage to Cleaving Whirlwind's Broken Bull combo, but it is far more mobile, and in my opinion, a lot more fun too. Tempo Royale can be acquired fairly rarely from some enemies or missions. Of the Stance mods in Baro's current stock, this one is both the most expensive from other players, as well as in my opinion the best. However, it can be acquired from other players for a fairly reasonable price - so perhaps should not be bought from Baro.
  • Primed Cryo Rounds - +165% Cold for Rifles. A pretty big damage boost for Cold and Cold-related damage types. Most notable in a Viral build thanks to Hunter Munitions, which does not need Status Chance.
  • Primed Heated Charge - +165% Heat for Secondaries. A large damage boost, most notable for boosting Radiation, which is very useful against certain enemies.


  • Machete Wraith - An MR1 Machete Melee. A joke of a weapon, with terrible overall stats. If you want a good Machete, build a Cyath Zaw. Would not be surprised if it got a significant buff in Melee 3.0. Get only for Mastery.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest to acquire Inaros. Great if you have nothing else to buy from Baro and don't already have Inaros. Always in his stock so not a priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Fanged Fusillade - +120% Slash for Primaries. Before Hunter Munitions was a thing, this was good on maybe 3 or so Primaries, and nowadays is badly outclassed by many other mods. Not to mention, it can be acquired from other players for fairly cheap as it drops from the Hydrolyst.
  • Vermillion Storm - Stance for Claw Melees. Not a bad stance necessarily, but can be acquired quite cheaply from other players as it drops from Kuva Guardians.
  • Astral Twilight - A stance for Glaive Melees. Again, not necessarily a bad stance, but can be acquired for much cheaper from other players as it drops from Kuva Jesters.
  • 3 Day Affinity Booster - Can be acquired more efficiently by trading your Prime parts for Plat, then buying the Booster directly from Market. If you're averse to trading, this is a solid buy if you have a lot of stuff to level.

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