
Friday 14 June 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/6/19

Bit of a hit-and-miss visit, a few good things but also some ignorable stuff.

New Items

  • Prisma Lotus Glyph - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Primed Continuity - +55% Duration for Warframes. Hugely useful for any Warframe that likes +Duration, which is most (if not all) of them.
  • Primed Reach - +165% Range for Melee weapons. Incredibly powerful on Melee weapons that already have decent range (e.g. Polearms, Whips), allowing you to hit many more enemies at once with melee attacks. Allows you to clear out rooms with ease.


  • Prisma Gorgon - MR11 spool-up Assault Rifle. Great crit and overall firepower, counteracted by heavy recoil, relatively poor accuracy and an underwhelming Reload Ratio. Powerful, but flawed.


  • Prisma Skana - Single Sword Melee weapon. Decent crit, but very low base Damage. Outclassed by many other Single Swords. Primarily useful for MR, or as a stat-stick as the Skana family has quite high Riven disposition.
  • Grustrag Three/Stalker/Zanuka Hunter Beacon - Beacon to draw out the corresponding Assassin. Useful if you want to farm their drops, but offers no special drops otherwise.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest to obtain Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory, so not a priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Thermite Rounds/Scattering Inferno/Scorch/Volcanic Edge - +60/60 Heat mods for each weapon class. Useful, but can be acquired through Spy missions, or purchased from other players for cheaper.

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