
Saturday 20 July 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 19/7/19

The first Baro since Tennocon, with a couple of good items.

New Items

  • None.


Must Buy

  • Jolt/Voltaic Strike - 60/60 Electric mods for Secondary and Melee respectively. Not available anywhere else, and extremely useful.
  • High Voltage/Shell Shock - 60/60 Electric mods for Primary and Shotgun respectively. Can be framed from Hive Caches, but quite rare, and generally easier to acquire from Baro. Extremely useful.
  • Quanta Vandal - An MR10 Beam Rifle. Great Crit and high Status Chance, making it quite powerful overall, and an explosive secondary fire gives it great versatility.


  • None.


  • Prova Vandal - An underwhelming MR3 Machete Melee. Not a very good weapon, but has not appeared in months.
  • Primed Quickdraw - +88% Reload Speed for Secondaries. Useful for some weapons, but has to contend with many other good mods for the slot.
  • Primed Heavy Trauma - +165% Impact for Melee. Impact is a poor damage type, and few weapons actually want this mod. A notable shoutout for Atlas' Landslide, as it inherits Melee mods and deals pure Impact damage.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest to acquire Inaros. Always available from Baro, so not a priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint - Blueprint to create Corrupted Bombard Specters. They deal very limited damage at high levels due to enemy health scaling, and do not offer any useful buffs like Ancient Healers or Warframe Specters do.

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