Warframe as a game is always changing and evolving. Two major examples that I have personally played through are the U22.12 weapon overhaul, and the U27.2 Warframe Revised update. Unfortunately for a sporadic content creator like myself, this means that my content is made redundant over time, and I don't have the time to update everything. As such, please take note of the version at the time of each review's latest update.

Monday, 10 March 2025

Review: Reconifex (U38.0.12)

The Reconifex is a new(ish) Full-Auto Rifle, dropped in U38: 1999. Cyte-09's signature weapon, it sports a perfect-reload mechanic that both drastically shortens its Reload Time, and provides guaranteed Heat damage and procs.


The Reconifex and its Component Blueprints are available from various 1999 Bounties and Missions.
They can also be purchased from Amir in Hollvania for Standing, though you must be at least Rank 4 - Hot & Fresh to do so.


The Reconifex has a fairly strong set of base stats. 28%/2.8× Crit is excellent, and 16% Status Chance is perfectly usable with a decent Fire Rate of 8. Base Damage of 40 is quite high for this type of weapon too, though base Damage of Impact/Puncture is nothing special.

Mag Capacity of 200 is among the largest in the game. Even with a Fire Rate of 8 and one of the longest reloads in the game at 5 seconds, the Reconifex has a very good Reload Ratio of 5.

A colossal Ammo Max of 1000 allows the Reconifex to last a long time without any ammo drops, and it recovers a fairly high 80 rounds per ammo drop.
To offset its extremely long base Reload Time, the Reconifex has a Perfect Reload mechanic, which can be triggered somewhere around 20-40% of the way through the reload animation.
A Perfect Reload will reduce Reload Time to somewhere around 2 seconds - far faster than normal. Additionally, it will give the freshly loaded magazine +25% Heat damage with guaranteed Status proc. This damage doesn't combine with mods, and scales from final damage (including damage added from other Elemental mods).

Currently, the Reconifex has no bonus when used by Cyte-09, and in fact the two are slightly redundant. Its bonus Heat from Perfect Reload is the same effect as Cyte-09's Resupply (2), and they will override one another instead of stacking.


None, it's a new weapon.


NOTE: The bonus Heat from Perfect Reload is not included in these images, and is a 25% damage increase on the final damage numbers.


With one native V and D polarities each, the Reconifex can fit a basic build without Forma. Depending on your available elemental mods, it may be easier to stick to Cold-based damage types to use the native D polarity.

Viral is the obligatory good against (almost) everything. While its damage multipliers are not amazing, its proc is almost universally effective. Corrosive generally has stronger multipliers, and its proc is strong against armoured enemies. Corrosive is a great general-purpose element against enemies who are resistant/immune to Viral procs.

Magnetic has become very strong recently thanks to its greatly increased effectiveness against Overguard, and the proliferation of enemy Overguard recently. It is also still very strong against Shielded enemies and particularly the Corpus.

The Reconifex's bonus Heat damage and proc synergises perfectly with all of these, as their various damage-increasing procs also notably boost the damage dealt by Heat procs.

Recommended Setups: Viral vs everything, Corrosive vs armour, Infested, Magnetic vs Overguard, Corpus


One added V polarity allows you to added a seventh mod. There are a lot of good options, though in this pictured build I've opted for the safe and simple Vigilante Armaments, for a simple, unconditional Multishot increase. There are much more interesting options for the slot, though I'll discuss those below.

Recommended Setups: see above.


Another added V polarity allows you to start looking at eighth mod options as well.

Critical Delay is a strong option to replace Point Strike with, notably increasing Crit Chance with a small Fire Rate penalty. This penalty is easily eliminated with any +Fire Rate mods, such as Shred.

Speaking of, (Primed) Shred is a great option. +Punch Through is very beneficial against crowds of enemies, allowing each bullet to potentially strike and damage multiple enemies. +Fire Rate is good both for offsetting the aforementioned Critical Delay, and for overall DPS increase, since the Reconifex's ammo situation is quite comfortable.
If you don't want/need +Punch Through, Vile Acceleration offers much more +Fire Rate at the cost of a very small amount of Damage.

If heavily armoured enemies are giving you trouble even with a Viral/Corrosive build, you can try a Viral + Hunter Munitions build. Slash procs deal damage that entirely bypasses Armour, and are also amplified by Viral procs. While somewhat less notable with the significant weakening of enemy Armour in U36, I still find it to be very effective, particularly as Viral is still so useful against almost all targets.

Slotting in a third elemental mod can be a very good use of one of the remaining mod slots.

Radiated Reload and Magnetic Capacity are very notable for adding pre-combined elements, allowing weapons to equip a wide range of different elements. Radiation is notable for its super-effective multipliers against several targets including Sentients and Murmur, while Magnetic is especially strong against Overguard, on top of being super-effective against Corpus. For the Reconifex, the secondary stats of those mods are not particularly notable.

Interestingly, +Heat mods contribute extra extra damage to the Heat procs inflicted by the Reconifex's trait, on top of the standard damage increases. While this doesn't add any new damage types to a build, the damage-over-time increase could be worth it on particularly tough enemies.

Cold can be a solid addition, with its procs slowing down enemies and slightly increasing Crit against them. With how elemental mods work, it can only be added alongside Corrosive, Radiation, or Gas, or alongside Magnetic if running Magnetic Capacity. Toxin is especially strong against unarmoured Corpus units thanks to their Shield-bypassing damage.

If you're seeking a bit more universal damage increase than the aforementioned Vigilante Armaments, Heavy Caliber is a little stronger, though comes with the significant penalty of Accuracy reduction. Particularly once you delve into Galv mods and Arcanes though, neither of those two mods are very good options.

(Primed) Bane mods are exceptionally effective on the Reconifex. The bonus Heat damage from its Trait receive double-effect from Faction Damage effects, and the bonus Heat procs receive triple effect.

If you don't want to deal with Faction mods, you could instead look at the (mostly) conditional Crit boosting options. Bladed Rounds and Argon Scope are both decently powerful options that are fairly easy to trigger. Proton Jet can be a bit more awkward but increases both Crit and Status Chances. Finally Hammer Shot, though overall weaker, boosts both Crit Damage and Status Chance, and is unconditional.

Primary Acuity can offer a huge damage boost thanks to the Reconifex's excellent Crit, taking the place of any Multishot mods (which of course do not work with Acuity). This of course comes at the cost of greatly reduces Status output, however the guaranteed Heat damage and proc mitigate this somewhat, and also scale from the extra damage. If going exclusively for Headshots suits your playstyle, Primary Acuity is a strong option.

It is surprisingly difficult to pick a "good" Exilus option. Vigi Supplies is the obligatory mention for its slight Crit boost, however the Ammo Mutation effect is not really necessary for the Reconifex. Despite its slow base Reload Time and massive Mag Capacity, the Reconifex also does not appreciate reload-over-time effects from mods like Tactical Reload, as that cancels out its bonus Heat.
The Reconifex doesn't have notably bad Recoil or Accuracy, so your remaining options are...maybe Agile Aim or Hush?

Recommended Setups: see above. Also consider: Viral + HM vs armoured enemies, Corrosive + Cold vs armoured enemies, Infested, Toxin vs unarmoured Corpus

Galvanised Mods

Galv Chamber.

Galv Aptitude is a great option. Though the Reconifex has only two base Damage types, it gets guaranteed Heat procs from its Trait, and solid Status Chance allows it to reliably inflict whatever damage types it has. With 2-3 different elements modded on, it can inflict upwards of 4 unique procs for a substantial increase over Serration.

Galv Scope has very strong potential thanks to the Reconifex's excellent Crit, however in practice it can be a little more troublesome. Galv Scope requires Headshot kills to reach its full potential. The Reconifex's key selling point though is its bonus Heat damage and procs, however Heat procs do not deal Headshot damage, and thus kills due to Heat proc damage will not stack Galv Scope. If Galv Scope suits your playstyle, it is definitely worth trying out on the Reconifex, but depending on the level of content you face, you may find it to be not as consistent as desirable.


Lots of good options to consider.
+Damage options:
  • Primary Merciless - +Dmg on kill, +Reload Speed. The standard, and works well on the Reconifex. Especially with added Punch Through, the Reconifex can be quite effective against groups, and the +Reload Speed is definitely appreciated.
  • Primary Deadhead - +Dmg on Headshot kill, +Headshot dmg, -Recoil. While extra Headshot damage is always appreciated, it can be a bit awkward on the Reconifex, for similar reasons as Galv Scope. Much of the Reconifex's notable power is in its bonus Heat damage and proc, and Heat procs cannot inflict Headshots. That said, 24 second decay time is very generous, so it is very possible to max out Deadhead even with most of your kills coming from Heat procs.
Other damage-increasing options:
  • Primary Blight - +Multishot/Crit Dmg on Toxin proc.
  • Primary Frostbite - +Multishot/Crit Dmg on Cold proc. Slightly weaker than Blight, but can be stacked by Cold procs from any source, making it a lot more versatile.
  • Primary Plated Round - +Damage based on rounds reloaded and max Mag Capacity. With its base 200 round Mag, the Reconifex can reach up to around +475% Damage - greater than Merciless/Deadhead. However, the buff time of just 10 seconds is not very long, and the Reconifex doesn't have high enough Fire Rate to have good uptime for it.
Non-damage-increasing options:
  • Fractalised Reset - +Reload Speed from Ability cast. Not really necessary since Perfect Reload reduces most of the Reload Time issues.
  • Primary Crux - +Status Chance/Ammo Efficiency from weak point hit. Excels at stacking Status procs, though the Ammo Efficiency isn't overly impactful on the Reconifex, which already has a huge Mag Capacity.
  • Primary Exhilarate - +Energy regen from Impact proc. Can be nice if you don't have other good Energy regen options.
  • Primary Obstruct - Enemy weapon jam on Magnetic proc. A limited CC effect that only works on specific builds. If you need CC, take a Frame with a proper CC Ability.
Pri Blight/Frostbite are slightly stronger than Merciless/Deadhead when fully stacked, and don't require kills to stay stacked, making them good options if they fit your loadout. Between Merciless and Deadhead, 

My Builds

Obligatory Viral + Hunter Munitions type build, though I have been trying different mods in the HM slot to good success - in particular, Magnetic Capacity.

Combat Use and Summary

The Reconifex is effective against most targets. Its enormous Mag Capacity and reasonably high Fire Rate allow it to effectively kill huge numbers of weaker enemies before reloading, especially so if provided with extra Punch Through. The Perfect Reload also cuts down reload time significantly, for much less downtime.

With the bonus Heat damage from Perfect Reload active, the Reconifex deals above-average direct damage compared to other weapons of its type. This is magnified significantly on Headshots, thanks to Crit Headshots dealing double damage compared to regular Headshots.

Decent base Status Chance and guaranteed Heat procs make the Reconifex very effective against heavily armoured enemies, beyond that of typical high-Status weapons. In particular, with the unique way Heat stacks with and refreshes itself, the Reconifex can quickly stack up horrifically powerful Heat procs on any enemies who survive more than a couple of shots. Combined with Viral or Corrosive procs, which the Reconifex can quickly stack up thanks to its solid Status Chance, the Heat procs can deal huge damage to enemies whose defences are quickly compromised.

Hunter Munitions can be thrown in for an extra armour-bypassing damage-over-time proc, though with the recent weakening of armour, this is less important than before. Additionally, the guaranteed Heat procs can be magnified significantly by certain mod, often making HM unnecessary for most content.

As has been said many times throughout this post already, much of the Reconifex's uniqueness and power comes from its Perfect Reload trait. This both drastically reduces its otherwise painfully long reload, and also gives it bonus Heat damage with guaranteed proc, giving it a leg up many of its competitors. Without effectively using this trait, it is little more than an above-average Full-Auto.

Overall, the Reconifex is a solid weapon. Its Perfect Reload mechanic gives it a notable niche in a very crowded category, and alleviates its biggest downside in very long Reload Time. It is quite effective in the vast majority of content, and is a very good option if you favour machine gun-like weapons.


Vs Trash Mobs: 4/5 - Very high Mag Capacity and good Fire Rate make the Reconifex quite effective against large groups, especially if complemented with Punch Through.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 4.5/5 - Very good Crit gives the Reconifex quite solid direct damage for this style of weapon, and its bonus Heat damage and proc give it a leg-up on many of its competitors even just in terms of direct damage.
Vs Armoured Heavies without Forced Slash: 4.5/5 - Guaranteed Heat procs complemented by Viral or Corrosive greatly weaken most heavily armoured enemies, drastically increasing their damage taken. The forced Heat procs in particular stack up rapidly on any enemy who survives the initial direct damage.
Vs Armoured Heavies with Forced Slash: 4.5/5 - With excellent Crit, the Reconifex can make good use of Hunter Munitions. If typical Viral/Corrosive + Heat builds can't quite eat through armoured enemies, the Slash procs from HM can help to finish them.

Vs Variants

None, though expect a Reconifex Prime something like 3 years down the line when Cyte-09 Prime comes out.


There are a lot of Full-Auto (or Full-Auto adjacent) weapons in the Primary slot, filling a very wide range of styles and niches.

These above weapons are largely conventional Full-Autos, though they mostly have their own niches. Notably, while the Reconifex has the clear best Crit of them, it is worse for natural Status output, not considering its bonus Heat.

The AX-52 notably deals a lot more damage on aimed Headshots, the Gotva Prime has a chance to Super-Crit from inflicting Status procs, the Kuva Hind (Titania Prime) has multiple firing modes, the Kuva Karak is less notable but handles very well, and the Tenet Tetra has a powerful explosive Alt Fire.

This set of weapons are less conventional, with the Prisma Gorgon and Tenora Prime being spool-up Rifles, while the Tenet Glaxion and Vermisplicer (Infested Amprex) are chain beam weapons.

Any one of these listed weapons will perform reasonably well in most content, and choosing between them often comes down more to personal preference and weapon feel. The Reconifex standards largely on-par with all these very solid weapons, and in several cases is arguably superior. In particular, its exceptional ability to deal Heat damage and procs regardless of what else is modded on it is something that none of the other weapons can match.

Of course, Incarnon weapons like Burston/Braton Incarnon and Phenmor completely blow the Reconifex out of the water, though that's an unfair comparison since Incarnons are deliberately ridiculous.


As a newer weapon, the Reconifex still has a near-default 1/5 (0.6) Riven DIsposition. I expect this to increase a little further, perhaps to around 2/5 (0.8). While it is a fairly solid weapon, it doesn't match up to the typical meta of powerful AoE, or the insanity of Incarnons.

+Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are the usual nice positives, with the best options depending on exact build and Arcane choice. +Elemental Damage can be useful to save a mod slot. +Faction Damage can be a strong multiplier especially of the Reconifex's guaranteed Heat procs, most notable against the Grineer. +Fire Rate can be nice if you want to eke out higher DPS, and are not worried about recoil or ammo consumption. +Reload Speed can be good if you're not good at hitting Perfect Reloads, though in my opinion if you're not good with those, you're better off with a different weapon entirely. +Punch Through is very helpful against tightly packed groups of enemies.

-Impact/Puncture/Slash are all decent negatives. The Reconifex has no Slash damage, so reducing Slash has no negative effect and is pure positive for the other stats on the Riven. -Impact/Puncture will slightly reduce total damage, but this doesn't affect added Elemental damage, so the overall damage reduction is minimal. Impact/Puncture damage and procs, while improved in the past year, are still nowhere near the best procs in the game.

-Faction Damage can be manageable against the weaker Factions (generally considered to be Infested and Corpus to a lesser extent), however note that due to the triple-effect, it will totally neuter the bonus Heat damage/procs. -Mag Capacity is not a big deal on such a large base Mag Capacity, especially if you land Perfect Reload reliably. -Ammo Max is an almost non-factor given such large Ammo Max. -Projectile speed has no effect. -Reload Speed can be manageable if you land Perfect Reloads reliably. +Recoil is fine if you manage recoil well. -Zoom is ideal for close quarters.

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