Warframe as a game is always changing and evolving. Two major examples that I have personally played through are the U22.12 weapon overhaul, and the U27.2 Warframe Revised update. Unfortunately for a sporadic content creator like myself, this means that my content is made redundant over time, and I don't have the time to update everything. As such, please take note of the version at the time of each review's latest update.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Review: Prisma Twin Gremlins (U24.1.2)

The MR11 Prisma Twin Gremlins was originally released in U23.4.2 in Baro's stock, though has not been stocked since. It is only the second Prisma secondary in the game, and the first dual secondary. With major improvements over its base model, the Prisma Twin Gremlins is a fantastic Full-Auto secondary, and an overall great weapon.


The Prisma Twin Gremlins is exclusively occasionally available from Baro Ki'Teer.


The Prisma Twin Gremlins has pretty good Crit and Status Chances at 23% each, though oddly has a slightly below average Crit Damage of 1.9x. It has a respectable Fire Rate, very good Mag Capacity and measly Reload Time, resulting in an exceptional Reload Ratio of 8.81. Its base Damage is mainly Puncture, though Slash is not far behind.

The PTG is a projectile weapon. On a kill, the now-dead enemy will be ragdolled, and carried along by the bolt that killed them. This offers a pseudo-Punch Through effect, and can pin enemy bodies to walls.





With a single native V polarity, there are a few ways you could mod the Prisma Twin Gremlins. If you don't have Jolt, the top build is what I would recommend, with basic crit and a Corrosive setup. Pathogen Rounds would fit instead of Pistol Pestilence if you don't have the latter either. You lose out on a lot of DPS without Lethal Torrent, but the weapon already does a decent amount of damage with a pretty good Status Chance.
If you do have Jolt and a spare Lethal Torrent, the bottom build is what I would recommend. Note that the Lethal Torrent is Rank 4, not 5. This build again has some basic crit as well as greatly boosted Status Chance.

Even with just one 60/60 mod, the PTG will proc quite a good amount of status, which I strongly recommend building for. With a fairly high ROF, the PTG can proc a lot of Corrosive, which will rapidly eat away at armoured enemies.

Recommended Setups: Corrosive vs Grineer, Corrupted, Infested, Viral vs unarmoured Corpus, Corrosive or Radiation vs armoured Corpus

General Purpose 2-Forma:

Two added V polarities lets you max Lethal Torrent, fit in both Primed crit mods, and still have space to have one 90% instead of 60/60s. Again, if you have them, I strongly recommend using both 60/60s for a Corrosive build against armour.

From here, you have options depending on what you want in the last slot. My go-to would of course be Seeker for Punch Through, but another Toxin/Electric mod (e.g. Jolt for the pictured build) is also a good option. It would significantly boost your Corrosive bias, resulting in a lot more Corrosive procs. Another elemental for different raw damage is also an option, for instance Corrosive + Heat for Infested. Augur Pact is a low-capacity mod for a nice little damage boost, Hydraulic Crosshairs is also an option. If you're having trouble with ammo conservation, Pistol Ammo Mutation may be worth trying as well.

Recommended Setups: see above. Also consider: Viral + Electric vs unarmoured Corpus, Corrosive + Heat vs Infested.

My Builds

This is my primary build, with my Riven substituting in for Primed Target Cracker. It offers much higher Corrosive bias and more Multishot, which is fantastic for its main purpose - armour stripping. Seeker is there because I love Punch Through, and the rest of the mods are standard. This build is best against Grineer/Corrupted.
This is a Corrosive + Heat build intended for maximum damage against Infested.
This Viral + Electric build is intended for use against unarmoured Corpus.

Combat Use and Summary

With good crit and status, the Prisma Twin Gremlins is a highly versatile weapon. Its high RoF and great Reload Ratio make it very good at mowing down groups of enemies, comfortably blasting through a group before a very short reload. The pseudo-Punch Through on kills improves its efficiency slightly, but the relatively low damage-per-shot limits the potential effectiveness of this mechanic.

The Prisma Twin Gremlins is not exceptional in raw DPS, falling behind many pure-crit secondaries. It is very capable of killing unarmoured, high health heavies, but lags behind other options. Where the PTG excels is against armoured heavies. With good crit as well as status, it can rapidly strip armour while also dealing solid damage to its victims. A decently high RoF combined with these makes it one of the best secondaries to use against armoured targets.

As a projectile weapon, the Prisma Twin Gremlins can be annoying to use against moving targets, especially at longer range. Its base accuracy is quite good, however rapid fire will noticeably increase its spread, further inhibiting it at long range. With a fairly high RoF, ammo conservation may be an issue for the Prisma Twin Gremlins. Pistol Ammo Mutation is worth considering if you don't run Ammo Case/Pistol Scavenger.

Overall, the Prisma Twin Gremlins is a very solid secondary. It is very well rounded, fairly powerful and quite versatile, and will handle the majority of Warframe's content with ease. If you're looking for an all round solid Full-Auto secondary, the PTG is definitely worth consideration.


Vs Trash Mobs: 4/5 - Reasonable DPS, decently high RoF and great Reload Ratio mean that the Prisma Twin Gremlins handles very well against large groups of enemies.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 2.5/5 - DPS is unexceptional by secondary standards, the PTG kills unarmoured heavies slower than a lot of other options.
Vs Armoured Heavies: 4/5 - High RoF with very good Status Chance allows the PTG to proc a lot of Corrosive, rapidly stripping away armour.

Vs Variants

The MR11 Prisma Twin Gremlins is vastly superior to the MR5 Twin Gremlins, exceeding it in every stat except base Damage.


There is a variety of other good Full-Auto secondaries. Things like Akstiletto Prime and Secura Dual Cestra are more status-focused, while weapons like Aksomati and Twin Grakatas are more crit-focused. Notably the Rattleguts can be built for balanced crit + status like the Prisma Twin Gremlins, or biased towards crit or status, though the PTG still has very high overall stats.


For whatever reason, the (Prisma) Twin Gremlins have retained a 5/5 (1.4) Riven Disposition, allowing it to roll some pretty absurd Rivens like the one pictured above. Even a mediocre roll can be worth slotting in with stats that high. Given its already substantial power, I think a 2-3/5 (~0.8-1) disposition is much more appropriate.

As always, Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are great Riven stats to have. For the sake of Corrosive bias, I'd also consider Toxin/Electric to be useful stats as well. Punch Through is also a nice option for improving efficiency against groups. +Projectile Flight Speed can make life easier against moving or far away targets.

-Max Ammo is a fine negative if you run Ammo Case/Ammo Mutation/etc. -Zoom is also generally fine since the PTG is much better at close quarters anyway. -Mag Capacity or Reload Speed can be tolerable at reasonable values, as the PTG has such a good Reload Ratio. -Fire Rate, though it will cost you significant DPS, can make its ammo economy much more manageable as well. -Impact/Puncture/Slash can all be good negatives especially for Corrosive status builds, though Slash perhaps less so because it can be proc'd quite frequently. Likewise, -Status Duration is alright on a Corrosive status build, but hurts just about all other builds. With minimal recoil, +Recoil can be a pretty decent negative.

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