The Trumna is an MR13 Rifle introduced in U29: Heart of Deimos. With a solid, heavy hitting explosive Primary Fire, and an extremely powerful explosive, bouncing Alternate Fire, it is a relatively slow but very strong weapon.
The Trumna and its component blueprints can only be acquired from the weapon vendor in the Necralisk on Deimos. You must be Rank 3 (Associate) with the Entrati to be able to purchase the blueprints.
The Trumna's Primary Fire is quite well rounded, with solid Crit, very good Status Chance, and majority Heat base damage. It has among the largest Mag Capacities in the game at 200 rounds, and a relatively low Fire Rate of just 4.67 allows it to keep firing for a very long time. This is slightly offset by its Reload Time of 5 seconds, which is the longest of any weapon in the game. Nonetheless, its Reload Ratio is an exceptional 8.57.
Primary Fire shots also explode in a small 1.6 metre radius, dealing pure Heat with a small amount of damage fall-off. Naturally, these explosions can inflict self-stagger, though as they are so small I've rarely had issue with it.
Like its brethren Sepulcrum and the similar Battacor, achieving kills with the Trumna's Primary Fire will enable its Alternate Fire. You need to achieve 5 such kills to enable it, and it will consume the full charge upon firing. It cannot be used with fewer than 5 Primary Fire kills, unlike the Battacor whose Alt-Fire can be used with any number of charges.
Alternate Fire offers a massive step-up in terms of firepower. Its Crit is even more impressive, as well as having a very high Status Chance for potentially inflicting enormous Heat procs. This is backed up by a massive base Damage of mostly Heat, dealt in a decent explosive radius of 6 metres, with moderate damage fall-off.
If all that wasn't enough to make a potent firing mode, the Trumna's Alternate Fire projectiles also ricochets off objects, and will detonate upon every impact. In the right situation, such as a tight group or narrow corridor, a single projectile can easily damage the same target multiple times with its multiple explosions - drastically increasing damage potential.
As an explosive shot, Alternate Fire can of course inflict self-knockdown.
None, it's a new weapon.
As always, Viral is a strong all-purpose option, with a universally useful proc and some decent multipliers. Corrosive has a great anti-armour proc and also has good multipliers, being especially useful against the Viral-immune Deimos Infested. The Trumna's innate Heat is a perfect complement to these two, for additional armour stripping as well as powerful damage-over-time procs. Magnetic is a strong option against enemies who are majority Shields, though these are relatively rare.
Recommended Setups: Viral vs everything, Corrosive vs armour, Infested, Magnetic vs some Corpus
One added V polarity allows comfortable fitting of Split Chamber, with 6 spare capacity to play around with.
Recommended Setups: see above.
Another added V polarity allows comfortable use of a seventh mod. This pictured build fits with 4 spare capacity. Vigilante Armaments is a solid, no-nonsense boost to Status application and overall damage output.
Hunter Munitions is a strong option against heavily armoured, Status-vulnerable enemies. Both of the Trumna's firing modes have very good Crit and can reliably inflict large Slash procs with it. These synergise especially well in a Viral build.
Vile Acceleration is also worth considering. One of the Trumna's only weaknesses is its relatively slow RoF - Vile Acceleration fixes this while also greatly increasing Burst DPS, at the cost of much higher ammo consumption and recoil.
Recommended Setups: see above. Also consider: Viral + Hunter Munitions vs heavily armoured enemies
Two more V polarities gives you a lot of options for the seventh and eighth mod slots. This above build fits in perfectly with no spare capacity. Heavy Caliber is a very strong damage boosting option, with the accuracy penalty being quite manageable especially since it is an explosive weapon.
Besides Heavy Caliber and the options mentioned above, there are several other options for the seventh and eighth mod slots. Hammer Shot is an option to boost both Crit Damage and Status Chance. Argon Scope and Bladed Rounds are conditional Crit boosting mods. Another Elemental mod can be useful for more damage, though the innate Heat constrains your potential combinations. (Primed) Fast Hands significantly reduces Reload Time, which is a great quality-of-life improvement.
Unlike most explosive weapons, I've heard that the Trumna actually performs really well with Punch Through, as its rounds explode on every impact rather than only on the last one. I need to test this further myself, but if so, (Primed) Shred is a strong option.
There are a couple of solid options for the Exilus slot. As always, Vigilante Supplies helps keep you topped up on ammo, while also adding to the Vigilante set bonus. Terminal Velocity increases Projectile Flight Speed, which can be helpful for Alternate Fire at longer ranges. If you struggle with the recoil, Stabiliser can be a helpful option. Tactical Reload would also be amazing given such a long Reload Time...except you sadly can't equip it on the Trumna. Twitch for faster Holster Speed can be helpful, especially alongside the Synth mod set.
Recommended Setups: see above.
My Builds
Default build is Viral with innate Heat, does very well against most targets and is a great general-purpose build.This second build is for Corrosive, which is a more effective in a pure anti-Armour role, and especially better against Deimos Infested, many of whom are immune to Viral procs.
Combat Use and Summary
The Trumna's Primary Fire is fairly powerful, and its small explosive rounds can deal good damage to most targets. With a massive Mag Capacity and small explosive rounds, it is quite effective against large numbers of enemies, steadily chewing through them with its sustained fire. With very high Status Chance and innate Heat damage, it is also quite effective against heavily armoured enemies, readily stacking up Viral/Corrosive and powerful Heat procs.
Primary Fire is slightly less effective against unarmoured enemies, more so against anything Status-immune. As an explosive weapon, it can be slightly troublesome to land headshots reliably, which are a major damage multiplier especially for Crit weapons.
Alternate Fire takes 5 Primary Fire kills to charge up, but is capable of dealing immense damage. As it detonates upon each impact and can bounce several times, under the right circumstances it can hit the same targets several times over with its extremely powerful explosions. This is capable of tearing through even extremely tough enemies like Steel Path Grineer, and anything that miraculously survives the blasts will likely be inflicted with very large Heat procs.
Naturally, its explosive range and massive damage output also makes Alternate Fire excellent at clearing out a group, though of course cannot be rapidly fired given the Primary Fire kill requirement.
The Trumna's Reload Time of 5 seconds is the longest of any weapon currently in game. Especially in a fast paced game like Warframe, this can feel like an eternity. As such, +Reload Speed mods can be very helpful for improving this aspect. Tactical Reload for reload-while-holstered would be a perfect match for this...except for whatever reason the Trumna cannot equip it. I personally tend to run Synth Fiber and Deconstruct on my Companions, which offer a smaller reload-while-holstered effect as a set bonus, and it works extremely well.
Given its relatively low RoF, the Trumna does have fairly high recoil-per-shot. This is especially noticeable with increased RoF, thus making a -Recoil mod worth considering in such builds. The Trumna has an Ammo Max of 400 rounds, just two spare Mags worth. With relatively low RoF however, it is fairly ammo-efficient.
Interestingly, the Trumna seems to have a slower-than-average holster/draw time. While this doesn't affect switching to Melee, it does slow down switching to/from Secondary.
Overall, the Trumna is a very strong Rifle. It deals with all manner of enemies quite effectively, and is largely easy to use outside of a fairly slow RoF and painfully long Reload Time. Alternate Fire, once charged, offers an immense burst of firepower that can instantly wipe out tight groups of even very tough enemies. By far the biggest obstacle is the Trumna's acquisition and crafting requirements, only being available at Rank 3 with the Entrati on Deimos, and requiring a wide variety of resources. Especially if you are a fan of heavy weapons or AoE weapons, I strongly recommend getting a hold of the Trumna when you can. It is a very powerful Rifle with only a few, manageable downsides.
Vs Trash Mobs: 4.5/5 - With a great Reload Ratio, the Trumna is quite adept at pummeling large numbers of enemies with its explosive rounds. Its relatively slow RoF is the main factor holding it back, alongside the very small explosive radius. Once charged up, Alternate Fire can deliver a devastating blow to a group of enemies, easily vaporising clumps of trash mobs.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 4.5/5 - Primary Fire deals noticeably above-average DPS for a Rifle, while Alternate Fire can of course one-shot most types of enemies. The biggest drawback of Primary Fire is its AoE, which can make it slightly difficult to line up headshots. Alternate Fire is of course constrained by its charge requirement and slow, dropping projectile.
Vs Armoured Heavies without Hunter Munitions: 5/5 - High Status Chance with innate Heat makes both firing modes very effective against armoured enemies. A combination of Heat + Viral or Corrosive greatly weakens armour, and stacking Heat procs can deal great damage-over-time.
Vs Armoured Heavies with Hunter Munitions: 5/5 - Solid Crit in both firing modes allows the Trumna to make very good use of Hunter Munitions. Alternate Fire in particular can be a tad inconsistent, but a single Slash proc from it will tear through basically anything.
Vs Variants
None, the Trumna is brand new.
There are very few comparable weapons. The Acceltra and Astilla are both fast-firing explosive Primaries, though neither is very similar. The Acceltra is Crit-focused and deals great direct damage, but has very low Status Chance and very poor ammo efficiency. The Astilla is Status-focused with slightly higher Status Chance, in exchange for much lower Crit. The Trumna lands comfortably in the middle of the two with both strong Crit and Status Chance, for overall high damage output and versatility.
In some ways, I feel the Trumna is actually somewhat similar to the Ignis Wraith. Both are Heat-based, hybrid-capable weapons with great sustained-fire and AoE capabilities. Naturally, the two have very different firing styles, the Trumna firing explosive projectiles and the Ignis Wraith being a flamethrower.
The Trumna's high explosive Alternate Fire is not as strong as the other top-tier explosives for single-shot direct damage (mainly Stahlta Alt-Fire and Kuva Bramma). Its bouncing effect however can allow it to keep up or even exceed these weapons for damage in the right situations. The drawback is of course the requirement for Primary Fire kills.
Compared to the Battacor's Alt Fire, the Trumna's Alt Fire is much more powerful and has a far larger AoE. However, it can only be fired with at least 5 Primary Fire kills, where the Battacor's can be fired with any of 1, 2 or 3 kills.
As with all new weapons, the Trumna starts with a minimum 1/5 (0.5) Riven Disposition. I would not be surprised to see it stay relatively low, as it is a very powerful weapon. Given its rather steep crafting requirements and inability to be purchased for Platinum, I expect that there would not be too much usage data for it yet.
+Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are perfect positives, as usual. +Elemental Damage gives some nice extra damage, or can help to save a mod slot. +Faction Damage is a very strong multiplier for damage-over-time procs like Fire against the correct faction. +Fire Rate improves the Trumna's otherwise fairly slow RoF. +Projectile Speed is helpful for Alternate Fire at longer ranges. +Reload Speed helps to improve the Trumna's extremely long Reload Time. -Recoil is useful if you struggle with heavy recoil, especially alongside a +Fire Rate mod.
-Impact/Puncture/Slash are all great negatives to have. The latter two are not even in the Trumna's base Damages, while Impact is still only a small component and is a poor damage type and proc anyway. -Faction Damage to a faction you're not concerned about, or don't use the weapon against, is manageable. -Mag Capacity is not a big deal as the Trumna's Mag is enormous. As its ammo efficiency is fairly good, -Ammo Max is quite manageable. -Reload Speed is a non-issue if you rely on reload-while-holstered mods. -Projectile Speed has no effect on Primary Fire, but is detrimental to Alternate Fire. +Recoil is good if you handle recoil well. -Zoom is ideal for close quarters.
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