The Profit-Taker Orb was the first of the three Orb Mothers in the Vallis to be given a boss fight. With several useful drops and the potential to be completed really, really quickly, it is a useful farming spot for several purposes.
The PT fight can only be accessed upon reaching Rank 5 (Old Mate) with Solaris United in Fortuna. It can only be triggered by starting Profit-Taker Heist Phase 4 - the fourth Bounty in the series.
Profit-Taker Fight
Profit-Taker has special shields which are only vulnerable to one particular damage type. This damage type is displayed by a projector on the top of its face. It will change, either upon losing a fifth of its max shields, or upon being hit by Void damage from your Operator. Note that you can only cycle damage type with your Operator at least five (5) seconds after the previous change.The shields will also naturally change damage type after twenty (20) seconds.
Once its shields are down, you need to equip your Archgun. Deplete the health on each of its four (4) legs, and it will collapse. Shoot the body until it becomes invulnerable again. You can deplete a quarter of its health with each such vulnerable phase.
After the first phase, PT will deploy four (4) pylons, that make it invulnerable. The pylons are protected by small bubble shields that protect it from attacks - move inside the shields to destroy them. As soon as they are destroyed, PT becomes vulnerable again. Shoot her four legs out, then her body, to bring her to half health.
PT will then regenerate her shields. Once shields are down, pull out your Archgun, take out her legs then shoot her body again, to take her to just one quarter health remaining.
At this point, PT will launch six (6) pylons. After they are destroyed, she will regenerate her shields one last time, and begin a five (5) minute timer. You must deplete her shields and deplete the last quarter of her health within this time to defeat her.
Throughout the fight, additional enemies will spawn in and attack. Notably, you can encounter Terra Mankers, who use the Fluctus. When killed, these particular enemies will drop an Archgun ammo reset. Also beware that enemies may place reinforcement beacons, which can make the fight even more painful than it already is - destroy these beacons as quickly as possible.
In general, be aware of enemy damage output in this fight. Orb Vallis enemies deal more than regular enemies of the same level, and there will be a lot of them. Profit-Taker herself also throws out a lot of powerful attacks, though many of them are telegraphed and can be mitigated/avoided if you are watching out for the tells. There is also a plethora of staggers and knockdowns thrown out during this fight, both by PT and by regular Vallis enemies.
After an extended death animation, Profit-Taker will leave a number of drops - 125,000 Credits, a Crisma Toroid, 3 Medical Debt-Bonds, 2 Advanced Debt-Bonds, and 1 Familial Debt Bond. There is also a chance for her to drop the Bloodshed Sigil, and a Profit-Taker Articula decoration.
Note that PT will explode shortly afterwards, which will destroy any loot, so pick up everything and run.
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Screenshot from my Squadmate. |
The Bounty mission will also give one reward from its drop table (see the official drop table, Profit-Taker Phase 4). In the screenshotted mission, we got Gyromag Systems as the Bounty reward.
There are several reasons to use Chroma in the Profit-Taker fight. Naturally, his enormous damage buff from Vex Armour (3) makes damage dealing much faster and easier. His survivability from Vex Armour and (depending on energy colour) Elemental Ward (2), allows him to better survive the insane enemy damage output in this fight. Finally, his Effigy (4), when placed within 10 metres of where PT leaves her drops, can double the Credits she leaves behind.To maximise buffs, you want high Power Strength, and high Duration reduces the frequency of recasting. Vitality maximises the benefit from Vex Armour's bonus armour, and Adaptation significantly increases overall survivability. Hunter Adrenaline (or Rage) provides essentially endless Energy, because again the PT fight has some insane damage output. The preferred Aura is Speed Holster, as you will be switching weapons constantly to get through PT's shields.
Handspring and Pain Threshold are both in there as the PT fight is rife with knockdowns and staggers, from both Profit-Taker herself as well as other Vallis enemies. Primed Sure Footed is a fantastic alternative if you have it maxed and have the space for it, as it completely negates both knockdowns and staggers. An alternative to PSF is Sure Footed + Power Drift, offering a 90% chance to ignore staggers/knockdowns, as well as a small extra component of Power Strength.
Arcane Grace is a great complement for Chroma, providing a powerful source of healing. Arcane Nullifier is there as Proft-Taker can perform an attack that inflicts Magnetic procs.
If you're running PT in a squad and already have a good Chroma, there are a number of other options you could consider. A DPS like Mesa or a CC like Nova or Vauban can be very helpful to neutralise the other enemies. A Support like Wisp or Trinity can help keep everyone alive amidst the onslaught of ridiculously powerful attacks. If you don't have or don't want to run Chroma, you will probably want an extremely tough Frame like Inaros or Rhino with a really good Iron Skin, to survive the onslaught of ridiculous enemy attacks. A different buff Frame like Octavia and Mirage can match or beat Chroma for damage output (as of writing, the current world-record Profit Taker run was completed by a Mirage), but have nowhere near the same survivability.
With Profit-Taker's special shields that are only vulnerable to one damage type at a time, you want as many damage types as possible on your weapons. I strongly recommend taking advantage of the Primed elemental mods, which add a substantial amount of that particular damage type. As PT is immune to Status procs, you want weapons with good Crit.Weapons with innate combined elementals are especially valuable as they can have more damage types than regular weapons. The Kuva weapons in particular can have extra Radiation/Magnetic from their Lich bonus, and they also tend to be very strong weapons overall.
Note that as I use Chroma for this fight, I've left out +Base Damage mods. Vex Armour (3) provides an enormous +Base Damage boost when fully activated, making them largely redundant. If you are using other Frames and don't have a Chroma (or similar +Base Damage buff) in squad, naturally you will want +Base Damage on your weapons.
The Zenith is a uniquely qualified weapon for the Profit-Taker fight. Its Semi-Auto mode has fantastic Crit, allowing it to deplete PT's shields with the correct damage type quite quickly. More importantly, Semi-Auto also has infinite Punch Through, allowing it to shoot and destroy the pylons through their bubble shields, and even through terrain. This can reduce the pylon destroying time to a mere few seconds with practice.If you don't have the Zenith, any high Crit weapon will do, with bonus points for having innate combined elementals. Snipers are always a good option as they will easily deplete PT's shields, I have great success with both Rubico and Vectis Primes. The Kuva Hind and Quartakk are very solid Rifle options, with very good Crit in the right firing mode and a potential extra Radiation/Magnetic from the Lich Bonus. The Battacor is a noteworthy weapon, as its primary fire deals Magnetic, and its secondary fire deals Radiation. It also has very solid Crit in both firing modes, though secondary fire requires kills to be usable. Powerful Shotguns like the Vaykor Hek and Corinth Prime are also decent, though naturally will require you to be at close range for maximum damage.
For non-Shotgun Primaries, I strongly recommend equipping Primed Cryo Rounds (Cold) if you have it. Alongside that, two more elemental mods to form one of Corrosive/Radiation/Gas, depending what other coverage you.already have.
For Shotguns, which instead have Primed Charged Shell (Electric), equip elemental mods to also have one of Blast/Gas/Viral.
The Secondary I've used most for Profit-Taker is a maximum Crit Tombfinger Kitgun. It hits very hard and has innate Radiation. Any high Crit, hard hitting Secondary like my aforementioned Tombfinger, the Euphona Prime, Pyrana Prime and Kuva Brakk should do.Alongside Primed Heated Charge, I recommend you include two more elementals to form one of Viral/Magnetic/Corrosive.
The Kuva Nukor is noteworthy for its innate Radiation + Magnetic from Lich Bonus, however is lacking in direct damage without additive Crit bonuses like Arcane Avenger.
For Melee, there aren't many notable options. The Redeemer Prime is the one I'm used to, as it deals a silly amount of damage on heavy attacks, and is a ranged attack. The other main alternative is a Crit-built Zaw (ideally a Plague-Kripath Zaw) with Exodia Contagion. I'm still trying to figure an optimal build out myself, but can already say that it is extremely strong, if a tad fiddly.With Primed Fever Strike, I'd recommend modding for Magnetic or Radiation, since the Redeemer Prime already deals Blast on ranged attacks.
Finally, Profit-Taker is also notable for requiring an Archgun that is deployable in ground missions to be defeated - so far the only ground boss that does so. The previous three Phases of the Heist will provide the Archgun Deployer for your Gear wheel, and one Gravimag on your first completion to allow one Archgun to be deployable in ground missions.As PT is immune to Status procs, you want an Archgun with high Crit. Most Archguns when deployed on ground have at least decent Crit. Imperator Vandal is one I've used to great success. Its very high RoF is convenient for tearing through all four legs and the body in quick succession. Note that you only need the Archgun for damaging Profit-Taker's legs and body, which are Robotic with Alloy Armour. As such, Radiation is by far the best damage type for your Archgun.
If you are struggling with Archgun cooldown times, one neat trick is to install Ammo Chain, for increased Ammo Max. The Archgun cooldown time scales with the fraction of ammo you have used up - increasing the ammo pool thus decreases the cooldown time for a given amount of ammo used.
It is certainly possible to use your Archgun to potentially cover whatever damage type(s) you have not otherwise covered, however I do not personally recommend it. The time required to call down the Archgun is quite length and locks you in place. Additionally, the Archgun cooldown time can be problematic if you use too much ammo.
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