
Monday 31 December 2018

Review: Plinx (U24.2.6)

The Plinx is a new MR6 secondary, released in U24.2 alongside the Profit Taker Heist. It is one of the rare battery-powered weapons. It is an alright sidearm blaster and can be fun to use, but as suggested by its low MR lock, is overall outclassed by many other weapons.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Review: Hema (U24.2.6)

The Hema is an MR7 Infested Burst-Fire rifle with notoriously high Dojo research requirements. It has many rare and unique features, including pure Viral base Damage, lifesteal and health draining. Though not the easiest weapon to acquire or the most powerful by any means, I find it to be a very different and fun rifle.

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/12/18

Last Baro visit of the year. He's brought some good stuff this time round. Unfortunately, my potato laptop can't actually load into Larunda Relay, so the images are from Lord_Dust_Bunny on Reddit.

Thursday 20 December 2018

[OBSOLETE] Game Mechanics: Status Chance and Shotgun Status (U24.2.5)

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of U27.2, this post is completely obsolete. Shotgun status behaves like every other weapon, and physical procs have equal bias as elements.

Deciding if a weapon is worth building for status is generally pretty simple. You usually want a base Status Chance of at least 15%, ideally alongside desirable status types like Slash or Corrosive. For most weapons, the difference between 95% Status Chance and 100% Status Chance is pretty much negligible. For shotguns, it can mean the difference between being a status monster, and being essentially status unviable.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Review: Grinlok (U24.2.2)

The Grinlok is an MR7 lever-action Semi-Auto rifle originally released in U12.1. It received a substantial buff along with many other weapons in the U22.12 Balance Pass, though still suffers from several notable flaws.

Sunday 16 December 2018

Review: Atomos (U24.1.5)

The Atomos is an MR5 beam secondary available directly from the Market. It has a mostly-unique chaining mechanic, whereby the primary beam will chain to enemies nearby the primary target, dealing partial damage. This is shared with the primary rifle Amprex. Having received a massive buff during the Beam Weapon Balance Pass in U22.13-14, the Atomos is a powerful and highly versatile weapon.

Saturday 15 December 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/12/18

PRIMED FLOW! This Baro visit also has some other good stuff.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Review: Rhino (Prime) (U24.1.4)

Rhino is one of the original Warframes, being available since the Closed Beta. Rhino Prime was released in U12.4, alongside Boltor and Ankyros Primes. With a diverse set of abilities, he is a fairly simple but very effective and versatile Warframe.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Review: Veldt (U24.1.3)

The Veldt is an MR8 Semi-Auto rifle, released in U22.18. Its most notable feature is its toggle-able zoom, with two zoom levels akin to the sniper rifles. That an adjustable zoom is the most notable part of a weapon says a lot about it - the Veldt is a very mediocre rifle.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Review: Arca Plasmor (U24.1.2)

The Arca Plasmor is an MR10 shotgun that fires single large waves of plasma, rather than multiple pellets. Relased in U21.7, it is a unique, rather powerful, but most importantly, very fun weapon that excels in the majority of Warframe's combat.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Review: Prisma Twin Gremlins (U24.1.2)

The MR11 Prisma Twin Gremlins was originally released in U23.4.2 in Baro's stock, though has not been stocked since. It is only the second Prisma secondary in the game, and the first dual secondary. With major improvements over its base model, the Prisma Twin Gremlins is a fantastic Full-Auto secondary, and an overall great weapon.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 30/11/18

Some good stuff this visit, though still no Primed Flow.