
Saturday 29 December 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/12/18

Last Baro visit of the year. He's brought some good stuff this time round. Unfortunately, my potato laptop can't actually load into Larunda Relay, so the images are from Lord_Dust_Bunny on Reddit.

  • Prisma Rostam Kubrow Armour: Cosmetic
  • Primed Slip Magazine: +Mag Capacity for secondaries. There aren't many weapons that really want this mod, there are a lot of contenders for secondary mod slots. Things like Seeker, Augur Pact, Hydraulic Crosshairs, Primed Heated Charge, (Primed) Quickdraw, the list continues.
  • Primed Target Cracker: +Crit Damage for secondaries. Nothing more to say, it's really powerful, and will see lots of use.
  • Primed Ravage: +Crit Damage for shotguns. There aren't too many shotguns that want to build for crit, but for the ones that do, Primed Ravage is fantastic.
  • Primed Fever Strike: +Toxin for melee. A large damage boost for any melee that wants to equip it. Toxin is both the best single element, and makes up the most good combined elements (Corrosive and Viral are fantastic, Gas has notable uses).
  • Axi A5 Relic: Relic for (Ak)Vasto Prime. Currently available from PoE/OV Bounties and the Void while Mag + Nova are Unvaulted.
  • Ki'Teer Solstic Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Cookie Glyphs: Cosmetics
  • Mara Detron: Powerful secondary status shotgun. Base Radiation damage makes it proc far more elementals than other secondary status shotguns, though lags behind for raw damage. Among the best armour-stripping weapons in the game.
  • Machete Wraith: A marginally less terrible, but still absolutely awful melee weapon. Only get for Mastery and/or style.
  • Mirage Immortal Skin: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Razza Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Prisma Daedalus Plates: Cosmetics
  • Prisma Shade: One of the tougher Sentinels, with a usable weapon. Notably, counts for far more Mastery than any other single item in this inventory since it includes both the Sentinel and its weapon.
  • Prisma Sentinel Attachments: Cosmetics
  • Taxon Desert-Camo Skin: Cosmetic
  • Odonata Elixis Skin: Cosmetic
  • Noggle Statue - Excalibur with Odonata: Orbiter decoration
  • Axi A2 Relic: Relic for (Ak)Lex Prime.
  • 5xCorrupted Heavy Gunner Specter: 5 uses of the Corrupted Heavy Gunner Specter. With how enemy health and damage scales, these will do minimal damage at high levels - see how little enemies damage each other under the effects of Radiation or Nyx's Chaos (3). They offer little else besides being large bullet sponges, which other specters can do with more utility and lower costs (see Ancient Healer Specters and Warframe Specters).
  • Sands of Inaros: Quest to acquire Inaros. Always available from Baro.


Must Buy

  • Primed Target Cracker: Gives a significant boost to all crit-based secondaries, of which there are many good ones. Will get a lot of use.
  • Mara Detron: Secondary with exemplary status abilities and reasonable firepower. Among the best elemental status weapons in the game.


  • Primed Ravage: A significant damage boost for all crit-based shotguns. There aren't too many of them, but the ones that do crit builds will really appreciate this mod. I've placed this above Primed Fever Strike because I enjoy shooting more than melee, but if you prefer melee, PFS is a better buy than Primed Ravage.
  • Primed Fever Strike: +Toxin for melee. Especially for melee weapons however, I feel that the 60/60 Toxin mod is often overall more useful because of Condition Overload, Healing Return, etc and much easier to fit in builds. That said, Toxin is a great element to have more damage in.
  • Prisma Shade: A tougher-than-average Sentinel with a useful, if temperamental, Precept. Its weapon is above average by Sentinel standards, being (barely) status-viable. If nothing else, this bundle offers a significant amount of Mastery.
  • Axi A2 Relic: The only way to acquire AkLex Prime, which is a powerful but flawed secondary dual handcannon. Recent powercreep, especially the Tombfinger, have made the AkLex Prime less exceptional, but it is still a solid weapon.


  • Machete Wraith: A terrible weapon, but Mastery is Mastery.
  • Primed Slip Magazine: There aren't any weapons that really want this mod, besides maybe Angstrum for its charge-fire. Probably won't see much use, there are a lot of other good mods competing for the slot.
  • Sands of Inaros: Inaros is a good Warframe, but this quest is always available from Baro. Buy when you have nothing else to buy from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • Axi A5 Relic: Can be readily farmed from the Void and Bounties. Will be worth purchasing once those avenues of acquisition are removed.
  • Corrupted Heavy Gunner Specter: Not very powerful at high levels, offering little besides high health. There are other specters which are easier to acquire, that are also tough but also offer other benefits - Ancient Healer Specters give nearby allies status immunity and 90% damage reduction, while the various Warframe Specters offer much more firepower and all kinds of utility.

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