
Saturday 1 December 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 30/11/18

Some good stuff this visit, though still no Primed Flow.

  • Tigris Elixis Skin: Cosmetic
  • Cookie Kavat Glyph: Cosmetic
  • Cookie Kubrow Glyph: Cosmetic
  • Axi A5 Relic: Relic containing Vasto and AkVasto Prime parts. Can be acquired much more easily through Cetus and Fortuna bounties during the Mag + Nova Unvaulting.
  • Primed Point Blank: +165% Damage for shotguns. A must have for any shotgun.
  • Primed Pistol Gambit: +187% Crit Chance for secondaries. A must have for any crit secondary.
  • Primed Fast Hands: +55% Reload Speed for non-shotgun primaries. Useful on bows since they need to reload after every shot, and can be a useful convenience mod for some rifles. Notably, PFH is fantastic for Ivara's Artemis Bow (4), since it doesn't need to charge for full damage.
  • Primed Morphic Transformer: +55% Ability Strength for Archwing. Much more powerful than the regular Morphic Transformer, and a great mod for Archwing...if you care for it at all. With Railjack on the horizon and hopefully a rework, this mod is probably worth picking up if you have the spare credits and Ducats.
  • Prisma Obex: A very fast Sparring melee, with low base damage and terrible range, but good crit and status. Not my favourite melee class, but it is powerful and fun to use.
  • Prisma Dual Cleavers: One of the many good Dual Sword melees. Great crit and good status, with majority Slash base damage, though quite short range. Pairs fantastically with Carving Mantis.
  • Ki'teer Sugatra: Cosmetic
  • Domus Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Ki'teer Solstice Syandana: ...
  • Ki'teer Atmos Mask: ...
  • Ki'teer Chest/Shoulder/Leg Plates: ...
  • Ki'teer Colour Palette: notable for being a colour palette that does not require Platinum to purchase.
  • Ki'teer Tribute Glyph: Cosmetic
  • 10 x Ki'teer Fireworks: A fancy, if short-lived, way to burn credits and Ducats.
  • Ki'teer Stencil: Cosmetic
  • Grustrag Three/Stalker/Zanuka Hunter Beacon: A method of reliably luring out and farming the three assassins. Useful if you want to farm the Brakk, Detron, Scimitar parts or Stalker's various drops.
  • Sands of Inaros Blueprint: Always in Baro's stock, and always worth buying if you have nothing left to buy. Inaros is a decent Warframe and this quest is quite cheap.


Must Buy:

  • Primed Point Blank: More damage for already some of the best weapons in the game.
  • Primed Pistol Gambit: A big boost for any crit secondary, and one of the reasons why crit secondaries especially are so powerful.


  • Prisma Dual Cleavers: One of the many good Dual Swords, and a lot of fun with the Carving Mantis stance.
  • Prisma Obex: A powerful and very fast Sparring melee, but has awful range.


  • Primed Morphic Transformer: A great mod for a currently terrible system. With Railjack in the future, it's definitely worth picking up for your Archwing if you can afford it.
  • Primed Fast Hands: A useful mod on only a select few weapons, far from a mandatory purchase. Notably useful for Ivara's Artemis Bow (4).
  • Assassin Beacons: Useful if you're impatient and want their drops, but not cheap, and doesn't get you anything exclusive.
  • Sands of Inaros: Only down here because it's always available from Baro, thus should not be a priority purchase. Inaros is solid and is absolutely worth the cost and quest.

Do Not Buy:

  • Axi A5 Relic: Can be acquired much more easily from Cetus/Fortuna bounties in significant number. Will be much more worth the purchase once the Unvaulting ends and removes the A5 from drop tables.

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