
Saturday 15 December 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/12/18

PRIMED FLOW! This Baro visit also has some other good stuff.

  • Tenno Kindred Rug: Decoration
  • Axi A5 Relic: Relic for (Ak)Vasto Prime. Currently available from Bounties and the Void.
  • Ki'Teer Solstice Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Cookie Kavat Glyph: Cosmetic
  • Cookie Kubrow Glyph: Cosmetic
  • Buzz Kill: Slash mod for Melees. More Slash for the most powerful weapons isn't bad, but the main reason you'd use it is to increase the number of Slash procs, which can be done by just adding more Status Chance. This method also benefits Condition Overload more. Not to mention several stances have forced Slash procs anyway. Currently available from Hydrolyst.
  • Sweeping Serration: Slash mod for Shotguns. Notable primarily for Tigris Prime, to further increase its Slash bias and thus number of Slash procs inflicted. Currently available from Hydrolyst.
  • Maim: Slash mod for Pistols. There aren't many pistols with the Slash damage to make good use of this mod, and many of them would rather something else in that slot. Currently available from Hydrolyst.
  • Primed Flow: Increased maximum energy for Warframes. A fantastic convenience mod, allowing you to stockpile more energy so you can spend more at once. Especially useful for Energy Reduction sorties.
  • Primed Regen: Allows your Sentinel to revive itself up to three times at Rank 9+, compared to regular Regen's single revive. Increases the invulnerability period up to 11 seconds. Very useful for keeping your Sentinel around longer.
  • Prisma Twin Gremlins: Powerful hybrid Full-Auto dual secondary. Has both good crit and status, and can handle the majority of content in the game comfortably.
  • Quanta Vandal: Powerful hybrid beam primary rifle with unique secondary fire. Great crit and status primary fire, with an explosive secondary fire that deals no self-damage. Can easily handle the majority of the game's content.
  • Quanta Aufeis Skin: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Diax Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Foros Shoulder/Chest/Leg Plates: Cosmetics
  • Eminence: Colour palette that does not require plat.
  • Kavat Sentinel Mask/Wings/Tail: Cosmetics:
  • Ki'Teer Atmos Diadem: Cosmetic
  • Pyra Sugatra: Cosmetic
  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint: One-use blueprint to craft a single Corrupted Bombard Specter. Not notably powerful, and quite expensive for what it is.
  • Orokin Tower Extraction Scene: Captura scene
  • 3 Day Affinity Booster: Can be bought for Plat for less Prime junk than the Ducats it costs to buy from Baro.
  • Sands of Inaros: Quest to acquire Inaros.


Must Buy:

  • Primed Flow: More energy for Warframes, and will likely see use on just about every Warframe you use. Also hasn't been in stock for a while.
  • Prisma Twin Gremlins: Powerful, versatile secondary that is among the best Full-Auto secondaries.
  • Quanta Vandal: Powerful beam primary with a great secondary fire.


  • Primed Regen: Revives your Sentinel a few more times than the regular mod, which keeps your Vacuum, Medi-Ray, etc around for longer.


  • Sands of Inaros: A great buy when you have spare Ducats + Credits, but is always in Baro's stock so is not a priority.

Do Not Buy:

  • Axi A5 Relic: While the Mag + Nova Unvaulting is on, the Axi A5 is available from the Void and notably, Bounties. After the Unvaulting ends, this Relic would be a decent buy.
  • Buzz Kill: Niche mod that can be acquired from other players for quite cheap.
  • Sweeping Serration: ^
  • Maim: ^
  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint: One-use blueprint for a mediocre Specter.
  • 3 Day Affinity Booster: Cheaper if you traded the Prime parts for Plat, and bought the Booster from Market instead.

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