
Thursday 26 January 2023

Review: Afuris Prime (U32.2.10)

The Afuris Prime is an MR12 Full-Auto Dual Secondary. Baruuk Prime's signature Pistols, it is a moderately capable, fast-firing, Status-leaning weapon. However, it is largely unexceptional and generally outclassed by a good number of other Secondaries.


Standard Prime weapon stuff, its Blueprint and Components are potential drops from certain Void Relics.


The Afuris Prime is clearly a Status-leaning weapon, though is still fairly well rounded. 16%/2x Crit is very usable if you have the Primed Crit mods, and 30% Status Chance coupled with 12.5 Fire Rate results in great Status proc output. Unfortunately, majority Puncture base Damage is not a good type to be inflicting procs of, so the AfurisP will mainly be relying on inflicting whatever elements are modded on.

With Mag Capacity of 80 and a fast Reload Time of just 1.2 seconds, the AfurisP has an excellent Reload Ratio of 5.33.

An Ammo Max of 400 allows for five full reloads before running empty, and Ammo Pickup of 60 rounds per drop is relatively generous, though ammo can still be an issue in longer missions.




Basic Crit 0-Forma:

The Afuris Prime has two native V polarities and one - polarity, which are very helpful in fitting decent builds. This above example build uses the saved space to fit in the basic Crit mods, and still has some wiggle room. With the spare capacity, you could switch the remaining 60/60 elemental to a 90%, or upgrade one of the Crit mods to its Primed version.

Basic Elemental 0-Forma:

However, Crit is not necessarily worth building for if you don't have the Primed Crit mods, due to their low stats. Instead, this example build just goes for more +Damage and more +Elemental Damage. Of note, where the base Crit build only has space for two elements, this build has space for three, allowing for some notable strong combos.

Augur Pact in this build is a nice simple Damage boost, but is relatively weak and becomes obsolete once Galv mods and Arcanes are in the picture.

For elemental setup, as always, Viral is the best go-to if you're not sure what to use. Its proc increases all damage dealt to Health, making it very effective even if its damage multiplier is poor. If you are fitting a third elemental mod, Heat is a great complement, adding a degree of Armour-reduction and a damage-over-time proc, both of which work very well with Viral procs against most targets.

Corrosive is much stronger than Viral against two groups of enemies - Ferrite-armoured ones (e.g. Grineer Heavy Gunners) and Cambion Drift Infested (who are immune to Viral procs). Corrosive procs offer a strong Armour-reduction effect, and Corrosive damage is super-effective against Ferrite-armour and most heavy Infested units. Once again, adding Heat if you have space for a third element is a great option. In this case, Heat is super-effective against most light Infested units, and its proc combined with Corrosive is extremely effective against armoured units.

If targeting Alloy-armoured units specifically (e.g. Grineer Bombards, many armoured bosses), Radiation is more effective than a pure Corrosive build. However unlike Corrosive, this is due purely to Radiation's super-effective damage, as its proc does not weaken enemies. Given the AfurisP's relatively low direct damage, it is not a very good weapon for this role.

If building against Corpus, who are Shielded but mostly unarmoured, Toxin is usually the best option. Its damage and proc bypass Shields entirely, striking at their small Health pools, often with super-effective damage. Such a build is often more efficient than building for Viral or Magnetic and brute-forcing through both the Shields and Health. However, it suffers heavily against armoured enemies, who will take significantly reduced damage from Toxin.

As most armoured Corpus units use Alloy-armour, putting Radiation and Toxin together in a single build is very effective against most Corpus units. Toxin will quickly kill almost any unarmoured Corpus unit, while Radiation deals strong damage against most armoured targets. Since Armour typically makes enemies far tougher than Shields, it is generally more effective to build against Armour than Shields. Again however, the AfurisP is not ideal for any heavy direct damage builds.

However, there are a select few enemies whose Shields are legitimately strong, and cannot be bypassed using Toxin damage (e.g. Kyta Raknoid, Treasurers). To deplete such Shields, Magnetic is the obvious choice, both dealing super-effective damage and its proc further increasing damage dealt to Shields. However, it is much weaker against anything unshielded.

Recommended Setups: Viral (+ Heat) vs everything, Corrosive (+ Heat) vs Ferrite-armour, Infested, Radiation vs Alloy-armour, Toxin vs unarmoured Corpus, Magnetic vs strong Shields, Radiation + Toxin vs Corpus

Primed Crit 1-Forma:

If you have the Primed Crit mods, one added V polarity will allow you to fit them both for a decent damage boost. Creeping Bullseye can be used instead of Primed Pistol Gambit, for slightly higher Crit Chance but a small penalty to Fire Rate.

Recommended Setups: see above.

Punch Through 2-Forma:

Another added polarity offers even more capacity to play with, allowing you to fit an eighth mod. There are a lot of options to choose from, including the aforementioned Augur Pact and a third elemental mod.

Seeker adds Punch Through, allowing shots to pass through an amount of solid objects and enemies. It is especially effective against lined-up enemies, as a single shot can deal full damage to multiple enemies, drastically increasing total damage output. I am a very big believer in Punch Through, and try to have it on almost every non-explosive weapon.

Magnum Force adds more Damage than Augur Pact, but is much higher drain, much more expensive to max, has a significant Accuracy penalty, and is still obsolete with Galv mods and Arcanes in the mix. Hydraulic Crosshairs and Sharpened Bullets are serviceable conditional Crit-boosting mods for more damage, however they are not particularly strong on the AfurisP either.

If you want more damage without using elements, a (Primed) Expel is the best option. On top of being a strong extra damage multiplier, the +Faction Damage effect of (Primed) Expels is applied multiple times to damage-over-time procs like Heat and Slash, making them much more potent at extremely high levels. However, maxing and switching around all of the (Primed) Expels can be expensive and tedious, and some factions do not yet have corresponding Faction Damage mods (e.g. Sentients). Additionally, (Primed) Expels are total overkill for any content before endurance runs.

For the Exilus slot, there are two main options I'd recommend looking at. (Primed) Pistol Ammo Mutation can be used to mitigate ammo issues, while Steady Hands can be used to largely eliminate any Recoil issues.

Recommended Setups: see above.

Galvanised Build and Arcane

Galv Diffusion.

Galv Shot is a good option. The AfurisP naturally inflicts a great number of Status procs, and with appropriate elemental mods, can easily inflict at least three unique procs (Puncture, 1 combined element, 1 single element). Though its Impact and Slash bias is very low, its Status output is so high that it has a decent chance of inflicting a few of those procs as well. With at least 3 unique procs, the +Damage bonus from Galv Shot comfortably beats Hornet Strike.

Galv Crosshairs is a usable mod, either alongside or instead of Primed Pistol Gambit, though I wouldn't personally recommend it. The base +Crit Chance from landing a headshot is very easy, but stacking it from headshot kills can be a lot more difficult. The AfurisP is not particularly precise, and much of its damage at higher levels comes from damage-over-time procs, some of which cannot trigger headshot kills at all.

From a pure damage perspective, Cascadia Flare is the strongest Arcane option. The AfurisP can also stack it up fairly quickly with its high Status output (when modded for Heat at least), making it an all round great option.

Cascadia Accuracy/Overcharge are slightly stronger than Sec Merciless/Deadhead/Dexterity with Galv Shot in the picture. I'd probably avoid Casc Accuracy as landing constant headshots with the AfurisP can be difficult. Casc Overcharge is much more palatable if you run equipment that maintains Overshields easily (e.g. Hildryn's Pillage [2], Harrow's Condemn [1]).

The new Conjunction Voltage gives increased Reload Speed and Multishot, stacking on Electric procs. It offers a far smaller damage increase than any other Secondary Arcane, and the AfurisP is not in desperate need of Reload Speed. On top of that, unless you have other Electric-proccing equipment, it would require you to build for Electric which the AfurisP does not do especially well. As such, I wouldn't bother with it.

Between Sec Merciless and Deadhead, I'd favour Merciless. It stacks from any kill including those from damage-over-time procs, making it quite convenient (though Casc Flare is arguably more so). Deadhead certainly isn't bad though, it offers higher peak damage due to its increased headshot multiplier, stacks faster if you land the requisite kills, and the -Recoil can make landing consistent headshots easier.

As always, note that certain damage-over-time procs like Slash and Heat will not trigger headshot kill effects such as Sec Deadhead.

My Builds

Fairly ordinary Viral + Heat build, I've opted for Seeker instead of Lethal Torrent for the Punch Through, and to keep ammo consumption down.

Combat Use and Summary

With high Fire Rate and great Reload Ratio, the Afuris Prime is quite effective against large groups of enemies. It will kill weak enemies quite quickly, and can engage many targets as efficiently as a single-target weapon can reasonably hope.

With high Status Chance, it is also moderately effective against heavily armoured enemies. Though it is lacking in Slash, the AfurisP can quickly stack up whatever elements are modded on - ideally Heat and Viral or Corrosive for armoured targets. Viral/Corrosive procs will drastically increase the damage that armoured enemies take, allowing the ever-growing Heat procs to deal more and more damage.

Where the AfurisP is weaker is against unarmoured and especially Status-resistant/immune enemies. Its direct DPS is quite low, and much of its strength comes from being able to stack strong procs like Heat and Viral.

Particularly with Lethal Torrent, ammo economy can be a concern. The AfurisP consumes ammo quite quickly, and though it recovers a lot at 60 ammo-per-pickup, the reduced drop rate of ammo weakens this advantage.

Overall, the Afuris Prime is a solid but largely unexceptional Full-Auto Status Secondary. Its high Fire Rate and great Reload Ratio allow it to effectively and efficiently engage large numbers of enemies, at least as well as a single target weapon can achieve. It inflicts a good number of Status procs, but its high Puncture bias means it relies mainly on elemental mods for maximum effect. Its direct damage output is unexceptional, particularly on single targets who are resistant/immune to Status procs.

The Afuris Prime does essentially nothing that isn't done better by other weapons, which I detail in the Competitors section. Unless you are dedicated to the Furis family, I would not recommend investing in the AfurisP.


Vs Trash Mobs: 4.5/5 - High Fire Rate and great Reload Ratio make the Afuris Prime about as good as it can be without any AoE. It can quickly eliminate any weaker enemies with just a few rounds, can change targets very quickly, and can engage streams of enemies with relatively little down time.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 2.5/5 - With rather middling Burst DPS by Secondary standards, the AfurisP is not particularly effective against unarmoured and especially Status-resistant/immune enemies.
Vs Armoured Heavies without Forced Slash: 4/5 - High Fire Rate and Status Chance allows the AfurisP to quickly max out Viral or Corrosive procs, and stack Heat procs of respectable strength. It is not capable of reliably inflicting decent Slash procs.
Vs Armoured Heavies with Forced Slash: NA/5 - The AfurisP does not inflict enough Impact procs to make good use of Hemorrhage.

Vs Variants

The MR12 Afuris Prime is a massive upgrade over the MR4 Afuris.

The MR10 Dex Furis offers somewhat stiffer competition, most notably in its significantly higher Fire Rate. The Prime's higher base Damage and Crit make up for the lower Fire Rate in DPS, however even with the slight increase in Status Chance, it will fall well behind in total Status proc output. With the same Ammo Max and Ammo Pickup, the Dex has greater ammo issues than the Prime. The Prime's faster Reload Time is nice, but I wouldn't consider it a deal maker/breaker.

Overall the Prime has slightly superior Burst DPS and much superior Sustained DPS and ammo economy, while the Dex outputs Status procs much more quickly. I favour the Prime as it is more balanced and less ammo hungry.


There are quite a lot of other decent Dual Secondaries that the Afuris Prime must contend with, even just those that are more Status-leaning.
The MR10 Akstiletto Prime, MR11 Prisma Twin Gremlins, and MR10 Secura Dual Cestra are all decent examples. The AfurisP is solidly competitive with (and arguably superior to) all of them, but not massively so.

I'd consider the toughest competitor to be the MR13 Kuva Twin Stubbas. The AfurisP has notable advantages in higher Fire Rate and much shorter Reload Time, however that is pretty much where its positives end. The KTwin Stubbas has significantly higher Crit Chance, Slash bias (even with a high Lich Bonus), and far higher base Damage with any Lich Bonus. I find the KTwin Stubbas to be overall much stronger and more capable, with the slower Reload Time being the only major drawback.

Looking more generally at other Status-leaning Secondaries, the AfurisP doesn't hold a candle to meta choices like the Kuva Nukor and Tenet Cycron. Those weapons also boast impressive Status output, with much better ammo economy due to being Beam weapons, as well as being far superior against crowds thanks to their chaining mechanic. 


As a new weapon, the Afuris Prime starts with a minimum 1/5 (0.5) Riven Disposition. The Dex Furis currently has a rather high 5/5 (1.39) Disposition, and the base Afuris even higher at 5/5 (1.45). I would expect the Prime to eventually join them, probably slightly lower. While the Afuris Prime is by no means a bad weapon, it does not offer anything notable, and is unlikely to be a particularly popular weapon.

+Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are the usual decent positives, with +Damage being the least valuable of the lot once Galv mods and Arcanes are included. +Elemental Damage can help to save a mod slot. +Faction Damage can be a strong multiplier of damage-over-time procs like Heat. It is mainly relevant only in endurance Steel Path, and most useful against the Grineer who are the toughest due to their Armour. -Recoil can be useful if you struggle to manage recoil. +Punch Through is a great help against tightly packed groups.

-Impact/Puncture/Slash all have a place. -Impact has the smallest effect on total damage, and neither its damage type nor proc are particularly useful. -Slash also has little impact on total damage, but its proc is actually desirable. -Puncture has the largest total damage reduction, however it is not a great damage type or proc in the first place. Its reduction inherently increases the bias of all other damage types, notably Slash (however it will still remain only a small component).

-Faction Damage to the weaker Factions (mainly Infested, arguably Corpus) can be mitigated by strong positives, and of course has no effect against other targets. -Fire Rate can help mitigate the recoil and ammo consumption increases of Lethal Torrent, though is a DPS loss. -Projectile Speed has no effect. -Mag Capacity/Reload Speed in small amounts are manageable as the AfurisP's base Reload Ratio is excellent. -Ammo Max can be mitigated by use of Ammo Case/Mutation/etc. +Recoil is good if you handle recoil well. -Zoom is ideal for close quarters.

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