
Saturday 30 July 2022

Baro Ki'Teer: 29/07/2022, 12/08/22, 26/08/22

An enormous Baro visit this time around, he's also bringing back the past three fortnights worth of stock to allow Console to catch up (they had previously been around 3 visits behind PC). As of today, PC and Console Baro are now synchronised, another step on the way to Cross-play. This particular Baro inventory will remain the same until the end of August.

Since I don't want to write about the past couple of visits worth, I'll only be writing about what came around this time, all in the top section. Please refer to my previous three Baro posts for the others:

New Items

  • Ki'teer Straed Syandana - Cosmetic
  • Ki'teer Greth Chest/Leg/Shoulder Plates - Cosmetics
  • Peculiar Audience - new Peculiar mod, no practical effect
  • Noggle Statue - Erra, Teshin, Veso-R - Decorations
  • Ordis Reified Statue - Decoration


Must Buy

  • Vastilok - MR9 Gunblade Melee. Decent Slash-focused Status Gunblade, but most notable for being the best Shattering Impact Melee in the game, allowing it to strip armour even from those who are Status-immune (e.g. Eidolons).


  • Voltaic Strike - 60/60 Electric mod for Melee. Very efficient for any build that uses Electric, but most of the time a Melee uses Electric, it would prefer the 90%.


  • Primed Cleanse Grineer/Infested - +55% Faction Damage for Shotguns. Total overkill for most content, but become extremely strong at very high level content (e.g. Steel Path onwards).
  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 Full-Auto Rifle. Outclassed by many weapons to a hilarious degree.
  • Primed Magazine Warp - +55% Mag Capacity for Rifles. Can be nice quality-of-life for certain weapons, but struggles to justify its place in a sea of extremely strong mods.
  • Grustrag Three Beacon - Gear item that forcibly spawns the G3. Useful if you desperately need their drops, but does not offer anything that they do not drop naturally.

Do Not Buy

  • Vermillion Storm - Stance for Claw Melees. Can drop from Kuva Guardians, and can also be bought from other players for very cheap.

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