Warframe as a game is always changing and evolving. Two major examples that I have personally played through are the U22.12 weapon overhaul, and the U27.2 Warframe Revised update. Unfortunately for a sporadic content creator like myself, this means that my content is made redundant over time, and I don't have the time to update everything. As such, please take note of the version at the time of each review's latest update.

Monday, 20 December 2021

Review: Nataruk (U31.0.3)

The Nataruk is a new Sentient Bow, introduced in U31 The New War. With a unique "perfect" charge mechanic providing immense potential damage-per-shot by Bow standards, it is a novel and very powerful conventional Bow.

All The New War spoilers have been censored from this review.

Saturday, 4 December 2021