
Sunday 30 August 2020

Review: Zymos (U29.0.6) [MISLEADING]

The Zymos is a new MR11 Infested Pistol, released in U29: Heart of Deimos. A slow-firing, explosive Secondary, it rewards precision with many powerful effects on headshots, but suffers from several usability issues.

EDIT 02/09/2020: U29.0.6 increased the Zymos' Mag Capacity from 9 to 17, and spare ammo from 27 to 51. Since these are relatively small, easy changes to cover, I've amended the article accordingly.

EDIT 01/11/2021: The Zymos has some very unusual Crit-mod interactions which I've only recently begun to understood, and these interactions significantly change how it should be modded. Until I have a chance to test it again myself, I'll leave a "misleading" tag on this review.

Friday 28 August 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/08/20


Another Baro visit, nothing exceptional this time around.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Review: Kuva Kohm (U28.3.3)

The Kuva Kohm is an MR13 spool-up Shotgun. On top of increasing in Fire Rate, spooling up also drastically increases the number of pellets fired, though this comes at an increased ammo cost. With solid Crit and great initial Status Chance, it is an extremely potent close-range weapon.

Friday 14 August 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/08/2020

Several good items in this Baro visit, and a new Credit-only Orbiter decoration!

Sunday 9 August 2020

Review: Athodai (U28.2.1)

The Athodai is a brand-new MR10 Secondary, initially released as a Tennocon 2020 Twitch drop. Yet another weapon with two firing modes distinct in both stat-spread and attack type, it is a powerful weapon that rewards accuracy, but eats through its small ammo pool very quickly if not controlled well.

Saturday 1 August 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 31/07/2020

Several solid items in Baro's inventory today.