
Friday 14 August 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 14/08/2020

Several good items in this Baro visit, and a new Credit-only Orbiter decoration!

New Items

  • Pedestal Umbra - A magnificent Orbiter decoration rivalled only by Pedestal Prime.


Must Buy

  • High Voltage/Jolt/Shell Shock/Voltaic Strike - 60/60 Electric mods. Baro is the only source of Jolt/Voltaic Strike (Secondary, Melee), while High Voltage/Shell Shock (Rifle, Shotgun) can be obtained (very rarely) from Hive Caches. These are essential for Corrosive-status builds, and are generally great mods to have.
  • Ignis Wraith (Switch only) - MR9 Flamethrower Primary. Solid Crit and great Status Chance. An exceptional crowd clearer, and a generally all round amazing weapon. Only buy this if you are on the Switch, as the other platforms have better sources for it.
  • Supra Vandal - MR14 Spool-up Rifle. Usable Crit and great Status Chance, another all-round really strong Primary with a solid Syndicate Augment.


  • Prisma Shade - a slightly tougher version of the Shade. Notably offers a lot of Mastery as it includes the Prisma Burst Laser Sentinel weapon. One of the tougher Sentinels currently available.
  • Ki'Teer Colour Palette - A colour palette that is available without spending Plat.


  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's Stock.
  • Baro Void Signal - Key to an exclusive mission series. Rewards some exclusive cosmetics. Must have Inaros Prime equipped to be able to purchase it, and can only be played using Inaros Prime. Can be bought once per visit.

Do Not Buy

  • Corrupted Heavy Gunner Specter - Specter Blueprint that spawns a Corrupted Heavy Gunner, and Orokin Drone. Offers nothing that other Specters (mainly Warframe or Ancient Healer Specters) can't do as well, if not better.
  • Ignis Wraith (other platforms) - Other platforms can acquire the blueprints for essentially free. Certain clans can replicate the blueprints for credits, and the blueprints are tradeable.

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