
Friday 28 August 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/08/20


Another Baro visit, nothing exceptional this time around.

New Items

  •  Chroma Immortal Skin - cosmetic.


Must Buy

  •  None.


  • Axi A5 Relic - Relic containing parts for Vasto and Akvasto Primes. Both are solid Slash-based Secondaries, I personally favour the Akvasto for its extra Mag Capacity.


  • Vulkar Wraith - MR7 Sniper Rifle. Competes with the Snipetron Vandal for the slot as the worst Sniper Rifle (ignoring inferior variants). Not worth investment unless you acquire a good Riven for it, and really like the weapon.
  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 Full-Auto Rifle. Vastly outclassed by many other weapons in the game. Only useful for Mastery and entertainment value with its Kinetic Ricochet Augment.
  • 3 Day Credit/Resource Booster - In the past I've always labelled these as "Do Not Buy" as I perceived their Ducat value to be higher than if you sold all those Prime parts for Plat instead. This has significantly lessened recently, and Prime Junk can be acquired for very cheap nowadays. I'd still personally consider the purchase via Market to be overall better, partly because there are much better things to spend your Ducats on.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.

Do Not Buy

  • Collision Force/Crash Course/Full Contact/Pummel - +120% Impact. To start with, Impact is a terrible damage type and proc, and it is almost never worth building for. Additionally, as they are a drop from Teralysts, you can buy them from players for quite cheap.

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