
Saturday 23 March 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 22/3/19

Baro has some really good and really bad visits. This time round is kind of average - not awful, but not amazing.

New Items

  • None (I think)


Must Buy

  • Prisma Twin Gremlins - a powerful and versatile MR11 Full-Auto dual secondary. Has balanced, fairly high crit and status, so performs extremely well with a hybrid build. Among the best secondaries currently available.


  • Quanta Vandal (arguably Must Buy, I just don't enjoy beam weapons much) - powerful, versatile MR10 beam rifle. Primary fire is very effective against single targest, with very good crit and Status Chance, and Secondary fire launches explosive cubes dealing heavy AoE damage.
  • Prisma Shade (arguably Must Buy) - one of the toughest Sentinels, with a neat (if very temperamental) stealth precept. Its weapon, Prisma Burst Laser, isn't very powerful, but fires fast and can inflict a surprising amount of status. If nothing else, this bundle offers more mastery than any other single item (9k for Sentinel + weapon).
  • Tempo Royale - arguably the most fun stance for Heavy Blade melees, of which there are many good ones available. Can be acquired outside of Baro's stock, but is a very rare drop from its few drop sources.
  • Eminence - colour palette that doesn't cost Plat.
  • Primed Quickdraw - +88% Reload Speed for secondaries. There are a number of weapons that would appreciate this (e.g. AkLex Prime, Twin Grakatas, Secura Dual Cestra), though it eats up a valuable mod slot that is already in high demand. A great convenience mod if raw damage is not a problem.
  • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation - improved Ammo Mutation for secondaries. Personally, I almost never use the regular Ammo Mutation, as Carrier's Ammo Case does just fine for me. On the one weapon I use Ammo Mutation on (Pox), I've never felt the need for the Primed version.
  • Sands of Inaros - relatively easy quest for a solid Warframe. Always available, so low priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Fanged Fusillade/Vermillion Storm/Astral Twilight - all can be acquired from trading with other players for very cheap, and the latter drop quite frequently in Kuva missions.

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