
Monday 28 January 2019

Review: Sicarus Prime (U24.2.10)

The Sicarus Prime is an MR14 Burst-Fire pistol originally released back in U11, alongside Ember and Glaive Primes. It has since released several buffs, having previously been quite weak and underwhelming on release. It is currently a rather powerful secondary, though is not without its flaws.

Prime Unvaulting: Ember + Frost (2019)

For the first time, we'll be having back-to-back Unvaultings. This isn't unexpected given Warframe continues to introduce more and more Primes, and thus add more and more items into the Vault.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Event: Stalker's Acolytes

This is the first time Stalker's Acolytes have appeared while I've been blogging, so I thought it worth putting up a post on how to find them, and also notable drops they have.

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/1/19

Where does Baro get all of his wares? Well judging by today's visit, he just steals some of it from Tenno Clans.

Friday 25 January 2019

Review: Nova (Prime) (U24.2.10)

Nova is an antimatter-themed Warframe originally released way back in U9. Nova Prime was released in U15.7 alongside Soma and Vasto Primes. With one of the best single abilities in the game in Molecular Prime, and three other useful abilities, Nova is a powerful Warframe useful in almost every situation.

Monday 21 January 2019

Review: Euphona Prime (U24.2.9)

The Euphona Prime is an MR14 secondary with two distinct firing modes, released in U19.11.5 alongside Banshee and Helios Primes. Firing a high crit slug with its primary fire, and a high spread buckshot with its secondary, the EuphonaP can be built to handle a variety of different enemies.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Review: Braton Prime (U24.2.8)

The Braton Prime is an MR8 assault rifle that has been in the game since U9. As one of the "unvaultable" Primes, the BratonP is one of the easiest Prime weapons to acquire, and is a solid, though not exceptional, weapon for its MR bracket.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Review: Vaykor Hek (U24.2.7)

The Vaykor Hek is an MR12 shotgun released back in U17.3. A Steel Meridian variant of the Hek, it is a rather powerful shotgun with several improvements over its base model.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Review: Lenz (U24.2.7)

The Lenz is an MR8 nuclear launcher disguised as a bow, released in U21.3. With a unique two-part explosion with guaranteed Cold proc, it is both the most powerful explosive weapon currently in the game, as well as one of the safest despite its in-game description.

Baro Ki'Teer: 11/1/19

Another fortnight, another random addition to Baro's inventory.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Review: AkJagara Prime (U24.2.6)

The AkJagara Prime is an MR12 dual secondary, released alongside Mesa and Redeemer Primes in U24.2.2. It is a 2-shot Burst-Fire weapon with a high RoF, and is one of the few dual secondaries that uses different models for the two pistols. With almost universal improvements over the base model, the AkJagara Prime is a fairly powerful and versatile weapon.

Monday 7 January 2019

Review: Mesa (Prime) (U24.2.6)

Mesa is a gunslinger-themed Warframe, released back in U15.5. Mesa Prime was recently released alongside Akjagara and Redeemer Primes, in U24.2.2. Despite Mesa's relatively more difficult grind, she is an extremely popular and very powerful Warframe.

Saturday 5 January 2019

Review: AkLex Prime (U24.2.6)

The AkLex Prime is a dual secondary with the highest MR lock of all weapons currently, at MR15. It is available only from Baro-exclusive Relics, the first of which was originally introduced in U19.8.1. With several notable flaws, and recent powercreep like the Tombfinger Kitgun, the AkLex Prime is not a weapon for everyone, nor is it as overwhelmingly powerful as its unique MR15 lock might suggest.

Thursday 3 January 2019

Review: Exergis (U24.2.6)

The Exergis is a new MR8 shotgun, released in U24.2 alongside the Profit Taker Heist. it is similar to the Tigris Prime in several ways, including very high base Damage and high Status Chance, but tiny magazine. It is very powerful, though also has many flaws that limit its overall lethality.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Review: Lanka (U24.2.6)

The Lanka is an MR10 charge-up sniper rifle with a unique and highly effective scope bonus, introduced all the way back in U8.0. Though slow to fire, it deals an absurd amount of damage and can kill most enemies with a single shot. It is one of the best examples of a very niche, but highly effective, weapon.