
Saturday 26 January 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/1/19

Where does Baro get all of his wares? Well judging by today's visit, he just steals some of it from Tenno Clans.

New Items

  • Ignis Wraith: MR9 flamethrower rifle, hybrid capable with a massive AoE. Fantastic against groups, and quite effective against armoured enemies with a Corrosive build. One of the best rifles in the game currently.


Must Buy

  • Primed Continuity: More downside-free Duration for Warframes is always good. This mod will see use on most, if not all, of your Warframes in at least one build. Among the best and most useful mods in the game currently.


  • Vulkar Wraith: An MR7 sniper rifle with high capacity and base Damage, but slow reload and comparatively poor crit. One of the weaker snipers currently in game, mainly worth getting only for Mastery.


  • Viper Wraith: MR4 Full-Auto pistol, vastly outclassed by many other secondaries. Only worth getting for Mastery.
  • Primed Banes: +55% Faction Damage for rifles. Offers a substantial damage boost against the appropriate faction, especially for a Slash/Toxin/Gas status build, but restrictive and annoying to constantly switch around. I personally don't bother with them.
  • Sands of Inaros: Cheap quest for a decent Warframe. Always available from Baro so it should be your last priority.

Do Not Buy

  • Ignis Wraith: Blueprint can be acquired pretty easily, often for free, from other players whose clans were able to research it after the Pacifism Defect event. However, this is currently the only way to get the Ignis Wraith if you're on Nintendo Switch, which has not had the event, thus does not have the research available. If you are on Switch, I would rank this as a Must Buy, below Primed Continuity.
  • Axi A5 Relic: Relic fo (Ak)Vasto Prime. Currently farmable from the Void and especially Bounties, so not worth buying from Baro. Will be worth purchasing once it is removed from drop tables.
  • Mod Packs: Gives 5 random mods. The chances of getting mods rare enough to actually make the purchase worth it is exceedingly low and not worth the gamble.

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