
Saturday 12 January 2019

Baro Ki'Teer: 11/1/19

Another fortnight, another random addition to Baro's inventory.

  • Coccyst Sugatra: (new) Cosmetic


Must Buy

  • Supra Vandal: MR14 LMG-type rifle, hybrid capable but status focused. Among the best rifles in the game currently, absolutely worth the buy.


  • Primed Charged Shell: +165% Electricity for shotguns. A significant damage boost, as well as nice Corrosive bias increase, on the weapons that can fit it. However, there aren't that many shotguns in the game, let alone shotguns that really want this mod over something else.


  • Prisma Tetra: MR4 Full-Auto rifle, with decent status capability. Vastly outclassed by many weapons including the Supra Vandal, but Mastery is Mastery.
  • Primed Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol Ammo Mutation: Improved versions of the Ammo Mutation mods. I've honestly only ever needed Ammo Mutation mods on one or two weapons, and never felt that the regular version was insufficient.
  • Sands of Inaros Blueprint: Quest to obtain Inaros. This is cheap and Inaros is decent, but again this is always available from Baro, so is a low priority buy unless you already have everything else.

Do Not Buy

  • Axi A5 Relic: Relic for (Ak)Vasto Prime. Currently available from the Void, but especially Bounties. Don't buy from Baro, go and farm it while it's still available. Once Mag and Nova get re-vaulted, I believe this relic will become unavailable, which will make it a decent purchase.
  • 3 Day Resource Booster: same as the one from Market for 40p, 3 days of doubled resource pickups, including things like Kuva, Cryotic, fish, etc. You'd get much better value from trading some of your prime junk for plat then buying a Resource Booster directly, than turning them into Ducats to buy it from Baro.

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