
Saturday 29 June 2024

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/06/2024

Lots of good items this visit.

New Items

  • Primed Dual Rounds - +110% Multishot for Archguns. A significant increase over regular Dual Rounds' +60%.


Must Buy

  • Primed Reach - +3m Range for Melee. A massive range boost for almost every Melee weapon, allowing you to hit more enemies per swing and from further away.
  • Primed Firestorm - +44% explosive radius for non-Shotgun Primaries. A significant AoE increase for weapons that already have decent explosive radius.
  • Primed Dual Rounds - A must have if seeking to optimise your Archguns.


  • Prisma Lenz - MR12 explosive Bow. A reasonably strong AoE weapon, with in-built Ammo Mutation that works well alongside Ammo Drum for better ammo economy than most of its competitors.
  • Prisma Veritux - MR8 Archmelee. The best Archmelee by a small margin, though Archmelee in general is not in a great spot.
  • Axi A5 Relic - Relic containing Vasto and Akvasto Prime parts. Both are decent Slash-based Secondaries, with the Vasto Prime also having access to an Incarnon Genesis Adapter.


  • Quanta Vandal - MR10 Beam Rifle. Strong Crit and Status stats with base Electric damage, and a unique explosive Alt-Fire. Decent enough weapon, but faces immense competition in its class, particularly other Beam Rifles which can chain.
  • Combo Killer - Thrown Melee mod, +5 sec Combo Duration and resets Combo timer on Secondary kill. Has relatively niche effects that works only with a niche playstyle.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • 3 Day Affinity Booster - While useful, it is generally better value to trade your Prime parts to other players for Plat, and then buy the Booster directly from Market.

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