
Saturday 6 April 2024

Baro Ki'Teer: 05/04/2024

A few items worth your attention.

New Items

  • Possibly Ivara in Action Glyph? I already had it, but not sure where from.


Must Buy

  • Voltaic Strike - 60/60 Electric mod for Melees. While it probably won't get as much use as its other element counterparts, it is still very useful and Baro is the only source for this mod.


  • Gotva Prime - MR14 Full Auto Rifle. Solid weapon with all-round good stats and a small chance to super-Crit, but otherwise nothing spectacular in today's meta. Perfectly serviceable for the vast majority of content.


  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 Full-Auto. Hilariously outclassed by most other weapons including its Tenet version. Only good for Mastery and for Kinetic Ricochet entertainment.
  • Primed Magazine Warp - +55% Magazine Capacity for Rifles. Can be useful on certain weapons, however faces very stiff competition for the mod slot and struggles to justify its use.
  • Primed Cleanse/Smite Grineer - 1.55× Damage to Grineer for Shotguns and Melees respectively. Great for endurance runs due to its quadratic scaling on damage-over-time procs like Slash and Heat, but hilariously overkill for the vast majority of players
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • Thermite Rounds - 60/60 Heat mod for Rifles. While extremely useful to have, it can be farmed from certain Spy missions. As such, it can also be purchased from other players for quite cheap.

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