
Saturday 13 January 2024

Baro Ki'Teer: 12/01/2024

A couple of items worth consideration this time around.

New Items

  • Javi Luminosity Scrawling - Decoration.


Must Buy

  • Primed Reach - +3m Range for Melees. An excellent boost, allowing you to hit more enemies and from further away. Drastically increases your capability against groups.


  • Primed Pressure Point - +165% Damage for Melee. Despite being a core base Damage mod, it has two serious competitors in Condition Overload and Sacrificial Pressure. CO is much stronger on a typical direct-hit Melee (i.e. most of them), while Sac Pressure combines with Sacrifical Steel to become stronger on dedicated heavy-attack builds (particularly Glaives). While Primed Pressure Point is strong and consistent, as you optimise your builds, you will find that the other two options become just strictly better.
  • Machete Wraith - MR11 Machete Melee. Probably the best non-Zaw Machete Melee. A good choice if you like the Machete stances.
  • Eminence Colour Palette - A colour palette that can be acquired without spending Plat.


  • Halikar Wraith - MR13 Glaive Melee. While it has quite strong base stats, its base Damage is biased towards Puncture on direct attacks and Blast on detonation, with Forced Impact procs. None of these are notably useful, leaving it largely outclassed by the Glaive Prime, Xoris, and Cerata in very high level content for various reasons.
  • Axi A2 Relic - Relic containing parts for Lex and Aklex Primes, notably being the only source of Aklex Prime Links. Aklex Prime is an MR15 Semi-Auto Dual Secondary, which while strong in the past, has become rather powercrept by more recent releases.
  • Primed Fast Hands - +55% Reload Speed for Rifles. While it can be nice on some weapons, the opportunity cost of a mod slot is often too high to justify over some of the other mod options. Additionally, Primary Merciless can always be used for +30% Reload Speed that doesn't take a mod slot.
  • Primed Cleanse Corrupted - ×1.55 Damage to Corrupted for Shotguns. Notably a really strong multiplier of damage-over-time procs. Very useful if you intend on playing extended missions against Corrupted enemies, but total overkill for the content that a typical player will experience.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • None.


  1. Hi love your blog! You left out Halikar Wraith. Also, I was SHOCKED that you didn't post anything for Baro's previous visit on 12/29/23 !! Missed seeing it !

    1. Thanks! Don't know how I missed the HalikarW but there we go. Can't say there was too much value lost, given Glaive Prime, Xoris, and Cerata exist :P
      I didn't post the previous visit as I was away on holiday without access to my usual computer - sorry about that!
