
Saturday 14 October 2023

Loadouts: Boss Hunter Titania (U33.6.9)

I use Titania for most mission types, including Assassinations for which she generally excels. Many assassinations are simple - get to the boss, kill the boss, and get to extraction. I've crafted this loadout to be even more effective in this role than my usual Titania setups.


Like most Titania builds, this Loadout revolves around Razorwing (4), so the weapons are rather redundant. Similarly, Companion choice is practically irrelevant.

Zenurik is the pictured Focus school, and can be used to guarantee a source of Energy in boss fights. It is very much a failsafe, rather than an active benefit to the Loadout. Since taking this screenshot, I've actually switched to using Vazarin, a useful source of healing and invulnerability. It is particularly notable against bosses who have invulnerability phases with strong attacks (e.g. Kela de Thaym).
Other Focus schools are absolutely viable too (and arguably even better) - Madurai for massive damage spikes, and Unairu for Shield/Armour removal.

Razorwing (4) is Titania's signature Ability, and what gives her her key niche. It turns her effectively into a mini-Archwing, with a unique set of weapons. While novel on its own, its Augment Razorwing Blitz brings it truly into its own, giving it massive Speed and Fire Rate buffs. These make Titania not only one of the strongest single-target damage Frames, but also by far the fastest and most manoeuvrable. Razorwing Blitz singlehandedly made Titania my favourite Warframe.

Spellbind (1) functions as both a small CC, and a self/ally Status-immunity buff. The self Status-immunity is particularly notable as it prevents Titania from staggering when ramming into objects at high speed in Razorwing. Spellbind is also notable as a low-cost Ability for stacking up Razorwing Blitz. The CC side is not much value as this build runs very low Range.

Tribute (2) offers a set of moderately useful buffs and debuffs. While neat, to be honest even I forget to use them most of the time.

Lantern (3) is a CC ability that uses enemies to attract and pacify other enemies. While useful in many situations especially with high Range, it serves no purpose for this boss hunting build. As such, I've replaced with Roar using Helminth as a solid, unconditional damage boost.

The gameplay of this Loadout is very simple, and identical to any other Razorwing build. Cast Razorwing at the start of the mission, cast Spellbind a few times to stack up Razorwing Blitz, then zoom through the mission recasting Spellbind and Roar as necessary.

Titania Build

The build I use for boss hunting is slightly different to my default builds. It has the same Strength-Efficiency-Duration-Range balance, offering very low Energy consumption and good speed and damage output. Range is not needed for this build. Vitality is included primarily as a safety net against bosses who cannot just be instantly blitzed.
Razorwing Blitz is essential for both speed, damage output, and fun.
Arcane Energize was used as a safety net, to ensure that Energy is always topped up. It isn't necessary outside of Energy Reduction Sorties, and since taking the screenshot has been replaced with Arcane Precision for more damage.

There are a few items of difference between this build and my usual setups.

Preparation is included to start with maximum Energy. Since the goal is to get in, kill the boss, and get out as quickly as possible, time spent hunting for Energy orbs or waiting for Zenurik to generate Energy is time wasted.

Archon Continuity is used over Primed Continuity as its bonus effect can be triggered by Dex Pixia - more on that below.

Combat Discipline is used to trigger Arcane Avenger. Avenger has a chance of triggering upon suffering damage, which Combat Discipline inflicts to yourself upon achieving a kill. Since this Loadout is focused on boss killing, the downside of actively losing Health from killing enemies is minimal.

This is my default Dex Pixia build for boss hunting. Most bosses use Alloy-armour, which is weakest to Radiation. With the last slot I've included Toxin, partly for its Shield-bypassing damage, but also to synergise with Archon Continuity. Since Dex Pixia counts as both an Ability and a Weapon, its Toxin procs will get the bonus Corrosive procs from Archon Continuity, for additional armour-reduction. 

This alternative Dex Pixia build uses Corrosive + Heat, most effective against Infested and Ferrite-armoured bosses.

Diwata...exists and is really more of a stat-stick for Razorflies than use as an actual weapon. Razorflies are only affected by a specific subset of Melee mods, which the Wiki identifies. While Shattering Impact sadly doesn't seem to work on Razorflies, I have it in there anyway as an option to (slowly) strip enemy armour if Corrosive procs don't work.


I use the Kuva Hind as the Primary in this loadout. The Kuva Hind is one of my comfort Primaries, I know how it performs even if it isn't close to the strongest weapon in my arsenal. Realistically it doesn't get used much, if ever, in this Loadout.

The only item of note is Serration instead of Galv Apt, this is to ensure a decent baseline of damage output if there aren't any nearby enemies to kill for Galv mod/Arcane damage bonuses.

Similarly, the Kuva Twin Stubbas are one of my comfort Secondaries. Again they aren't necessarily the strongest weapon in my arsenal, but they are something I am extremely comfortable using.

This time, because my Riven already has +Damage in it, I am comfortable with its baseline damage with Galv Shot even with no kills.

For the Melee slot, I've opted to include the Vastilok. There are some enemies who are heavily armoured who are also resistant/immune to Corrosive procs. In the absence of an armour-stripping ability like Pillage, I use Shattering Impact instead, which permanently reduces enemy armour. Its main drawback is that it only reduces a small amount of armour with each Melee hit that deals Impact damage, so for many Melee weapons is impractical and inefficient. The Vastilok however fires 9 Impact-damage-dealing pellets per ranged attack, making it the best armour-stripping Melee in the game.

The bulk of the mods are intended to speed up the Vastilok's attacks as much as possible, as I don't bother using it for damage output. I sometimes find Heavy Attacks more comfortable to use than the standard quick/combo attacks, hence the use of mods to speed up both quick and Heavy Attacks.


Since this Loadout spends most of its time in Razorwing, Companion choice doesn't really matter so long as it fits Primed Animal Instinct. I've defaulted to a Panzer Vulp just to make sure it can never die permanently - granted this will not be relevant after the upcoming Companion rework.


No other Warframe has the same combination of mobility and single-target firepower that Titania has in Razorwing.

The weapons are all to-preference. A Primary with greater single-target burst damage like a Shotgun is a good option, and similarly there are some Secondaries that pack great burst damage as well.

Likewise, the Companion is largely to preference since they are not active in Razorwing.

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