
Saturday 26 August 2023

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/08/2023

A couple of items of note in Baro's inventory this weekend.

New Items

  • The Stranger's Hood - Cosmetic. While not strictly new, it was only previously available for three days from the Market.


Must Buy

  • Primed Point Blank - +165% Damage for Shotguns. A significant unconditional damage boost for any Shotgun, however begins to face very stiff competition once you get access to Galvanised mods and Arcanes. At that stage, many weapons would prefer those instead PPB.


  • Primed Flow - +275% Energy Max for Warframes. Can be very useful for Frames who consume a lot of Energy, particularly those with channelled abilities, however it can now be somewhat replaced by Amber Archon Shards. Regular Flow is also just as viable for most Frames as well, especially with decent Efficiency.


  • Vericres - MR8 Warfan Melee. Well balanced, but outclassed by the new MR12 Gunsen Prime.
  • Primed Heavy Trauma - +165% Impact for Melee. Its only use is with Atlas, whose Landslide (1) scales with Melee mods and deals pure Impact damage.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • Ignis Wraith - MR9 Beam Rifle. A great crowd clearer and box opener, but should not be bought from Baro as it can now be researched in a Dojo's Chem Lab.
  • Buzz Kill - +120% Slash for Melee. Very few weapons want to equip it as it does not increase Slash proc damage, and it also drops from the Hydrolyst so can be farmed or bought from other players for very cheap.
  • 3 Day Credit Booster - Useful for Credit farming, however I believe you get better value from selling your Prime items for Plat, and then buying the Booster straight from Market.

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