
Saturday 11 March 2023

Baro Ki'Teer: 10/03/2023

Couple of useful items this time around.

New Items

  • Reshantur Child's Tablet - Decoration.


Must Buy

  • Primed Regen - allows Sentinels to self-revive up to 3 times with full health. Notably reaches 3 revives at Rank 9, with the last Rank only increasing revive health, while base Regen revives just once. Very useful mod for keeping Sentinels around longer.
  • Primed Point Blank - +165% Damage for Shotguns. Faces stiff competition from Galvanised Savvy and +Damage Arcanes once you have access to them, however those items are acquired much later in game progression than PPB.
  • Neo O1 Relic - Relic containing some Volt and Odonata Prime parts. Baro is the primary way to acquire these Primes. Volt in particular is very useful and versatile.


  • Machete Wraith - MR11 Machete Melee. One of the two best non-Zaw Machete Melees besides Slaytra, notably with higher Attack Speed at the cost of lower base Damage and shorter Status Duration.


  • Mark of the Beast - Mod for Thrown Melees. Upon 6 Melee kills within 6 seconds, grants +120% Crit and Status Chances for Secondary for 24 seconds. Its effect is not especially strong, and you are probably better off using that mod slot to improve the Melee itself.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • Opticor Vandal - MR14 Charge-up Rifle. Decently powerful single-shot weapon. Notably can also be acquired from the recurring Thermia Fractures event, which you will want to do anyway for the Exploiter Orb fight which drops ores/gems, Hildryn parts, and some ephemeras. I'd recommend getting it through that event instead.
  • Fanged Fusillade - +120% Slash for Rifles. Almost never used, with Hunter Munitions often being more effective for getting more Slash procs. Is a drop from the Hydrolyst, so can also be bought from other players for very cheap.

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