
Sunday 5 February 2023

Loadouts: Thermal Sunder Titania (U32.2.10)

Titania is of course my favourite frame, with one of her most notable strengths being aerial speed and manoeuvrability. The introduction of the Helminth Segment grants every Warframe a massive range of new Ability options, allowing them to patch up flaws and weaknesses, or introduce entirely new capabilities.

In this case, Gauss' Thermal Sunder gives every Warframe a damaging AoE ability that with high Efficiency is easily spammable. On Titania this results in the fastest moving low-level cleaner in the game, ideal for quickly completing lower-level missions like Void Fissures.


This setup is very simple to use. Cast Razorwing (4) at the start of the mission, then fly through the mission spamming Thermal Sunder to kill everything. It is ideal for the faster, linear Void Fissures (Capture, Exterminate, Rescue, Sabotage), where it can outpace just about any other build in the game through AoE damage and sheer move speed. It is quite Energy hungry with such frequent casting, and also requires the Helminth Segment as well as a spare Gauss to subsume.

Zenurik Focus school is the recommended for energy regen with Wellspring. Note that it doesn't work while Razorwing is active, which is awkward for this specific setup.

I find the build comfortably effective up until the level 40-45 range, after which it begins to drop off and requires additional TS casts to kill enemies. It drops off much faster against heavily armoured enemies. Conveniently, that level range is around the maximum for a non-Steel Axi Fissure, making it very well suited to all of the standard Void Fissures.

The Frame Fissure buff that can be acquired up collecting 10 reactant doubles Ability Strength and Range for a time. This can help the build to scale up to roughly level 65 more easily - around about the non-Steel Requiem Fissure level.

Outside of the Warframe itself (and probably Focus school), most of the loadout doesn't really matter.


This Titania build is designed to immediately cast Razorwing, then quickly fly through the mission spamming Heat Thermal Sunder (subsumed over Tribute [2]) to kill almost everything.

Umbral Intensify + Growing Power + Molt Augmented (as it stacks up) offers reasonable up-front damage with TS, with Archon Vitality significantly increasing the Heat proc damage on anything that survives the initial damage (which becomes more relevant as levels increase). Archon Vitality can be switched out to another +Strength mod for more up-front damage, but less stacking damage-over-time. This will increase the level threshold before it starts dropping off, but also make its drop-off sharper.

Fleeting Expertise + Primed/Archon Continuity gives TS very good Efficiency while retaining some Duration to minimise Razorwing Energy costs as well. Preparation is extremely useful, allowing you to immediately enter Razorwing and starting casting TS at the start of the mission, rather than needing time to build up Energy from Zenurik, Energy Orbs, etc.

Arcane Energise is very useful as the build consumes a lot of Energy from repeated TS casts - you can mitigate this by including Streamline as well for absolute maximum Efficiency, however this will require removing another mod. Primed/Archon Flow can reduce the need for Efficiency/Energise when combined with Preparation - if you are fast enough you may not need to recover any Energy at all during the mission.

Stretch and Augur Reach give TS good range without reducing Strength.

Razorwing Blitz is the key mod for cranking up Titania's speed to ridiculous levels, and with how frequently you'll be casting TS, it will be permanently maxed out.

For Archon Shards, +Strength (Crimson) and +Casting Speed (Amber) are the most useful bonuses. If you don't yet have Preparation, +Starting Energy (Azure) can be helpful too.

The Dex Pixia build is nothing special, just needs to be strong enough to kill the enemies who won't die quickly from a Thermal Sunder or two. The ones I've seen survive TS most easily are Eximus units, Corrupted Heavy Gunners, and Ancient Disruptors (and obviously Nullifiers while their bubble is up). Given the levels this build gets most used at, any half decent Dex Pixia build will deal more than enough damage to kill those enemies.

The Diwata build is, barring Shattering Impact, designed to maximise Razorfly damage. Oddly, they benefit from Condition Overload but not (Primed/Sacrificial) Pressure Point, hence its inclusion despite the low Status Chance (and inability for Razorflies to inflict Status procs). Shattering Impact is the most interesting mod here, offering a (slow) method for permanently reducing enemy armour. It offers no value at these low levels, but can be useful against super-high-level bosses.


Take whatever Primary Weapon you like; in ideal circumstances you'll never need to use it. Given this build is meant for speedrunning low-level missions like regular Void Fissures, some kind of AoE weapon is probably the best option. I've opted for Bubonico, one of my favourite weapons which has an AoE attack as well as not requiring ammo.

The best weapon option is probably a Primary Kitgun with the Pax Bolt Arcane, as the increased Ability Efficiency helps to minimise Razorwing Energy drain.

Note that this loadout specifically only equips a Primary weapon. This ensures that if the tenth reactant is collected while in Razorwing, you are guaranteed to get the Frame Fissure buff for doubled Ability Strength and Range.


Since the intent is to be in Razorwing at all times, during which Companions are disabled, Companion choice also doesn't really matter. I've opted for a MOA to equip the Prisma Burst Laser for the Augur mod set bonus (and for the name), but that's about all it offers. Any Sentinel or MOA can do the same.

You could opt for a Sentinel for the Sacrifice mod in case you get downed, but at the levels this build works best at, that's pretty unlikely.


Titania's aerial speed and manoeuvrability are unmatched by any other Warframe, however there are many Warframes who can make good use of Thermal Sunder. Additionally, many of them do not use drain-over-time abilities like Razorwing, so can benefit from the energy regen of Zenurik's Wellspring.

Gauss has the best scaling TS, as his Redline (4) causes the Blast version of TS to strip armour - capping at 100% with full battery. Additionally, his TS is stronger than most again due to Battery damage scaling, Kinetic Plating (2) grants a degree of Energy recovery, and he moves faster than the average Warframe.

Garuda can also have an strong scaling TS, as her Seeking Talons (4) can cause it to inflict Slash procs for good armour-bypassing damage. Additionally, she can use Bloodletting (3) to easily recover Energy, and her Passive Death's Gate also increases its damage (I think? I've read some people say it doesn't boost TS but I thought it did in my testing).

Harrow does not offer any notable buffs to TS besides increased Casting Speed, however it can combo with his Thurible (3) to generate insane amounts of Energy for himself and nearby allies. This in turn allows you to cast TS much more for more damage and thus better scaling.

These are just three examples of notable Thermal Sunder interactions. I'm sure there are many more; it is a decent damaging ability that works very well with all manner of buffs and debuffs.

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