
Friday 24 June 2022

Review: Kuva Twin Stubbas (Updated U31.6.3)

Updated 24th June 2022, U31.6.3
Original posted U27.1.2

The Kuva Twin Stubbas are an MR13 Dual Secondary introduced with Kuva Liches. With great Status Chance backed up by solid Crit and a very large Mag Capacity, they are among the best Dual Secondaries in the game currently.

Friday 17 June 2022

Baro Ki'Teer: 17/06/2022

Not many must-have items from Baro this time around, but a lot to sink your spare Ducats and Credits into if you are so inclined.

Friday 10 June 2022

Cascadia Empowered: Functionality and Use Cases (U31.6.1)

Cascadia Empowered is one of the new Secondary Arcanes introduced in U31.5 Angels of the Zariman. It offers an unusual damaging effect compared to the more traditional weapon Arcanes, deserving of closer inspection and analysis.

NOTE: There are very slight spoilers for Angels of the Zariman due to the acquisition method of Cascadia Empowered.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Baro Ki'Teer: 03/06/2022

A few good items from Baro this time around.