
Friday 24 June 2022

Review: Kuva Twin Stubbas (Updated U31.6.3)

Updated 24th June 2022, U31.6.3
Original posted U27.1.2

The Kuva Twin Stubbas are an MR13 Dual Secondary introduced with Kuva Liches. With great Status Chance backed up by solid Crit and a very large Mag Capacity, they are among the best Dual Secondaries in the game currently.


As with all other Kuva weapons, the Kuva Twin Stubbas can only be acquired by creating, then killing a Kuva Lich with this weapon. Thankfully, now that you see what weapon a Kuva Lich will have when their Larvling is vulnerable, you can target the exact weapon you are after and only Mercy Larvlings with that weapon. Additionally, more recent changes allow you to cycle through potential weapons so as to eventually guarantee getting the weapon you want.


The Kuva Twin Stubbas have a very solid spread of stats. Though its 23%/1.9x Crit is not exceptional, it is still very much usable. Its Status Chance also excellent at 31%, backed up by a base Damage biased towards Slash and solid Fire Rate of 10 for overall fantastic Status capabilities.

With a very large Mag Capacity of 114, and slow-but-manageable Reload Time of 2.7 seconds, the KTS have a very good Reload Ratio of 4.22.




NOTE: Builds are displayed using a full 60% Magnetic bonus, for clarity of the damage bonus. For a minimum 25%, multiply the total damage numbers by 0.78125.

General Purpose 0-Forma:

A single innate V polarity allows a semi-complete basic build, taking note that Lethal Torrent will need to be one rank below max. That could be dropped to instead upgrade Pistol Gambit and Target Cracker to their Primed versions, or fit a 90% elemental if you do not have all the necessary 60/60s yet.

If Primed Pistol Gambit will not fit, is not available or is not at a high rank, Creeping Bullseye can be used in its place for a good chunk of extra Crit Chance.

For general purpose use, Viral is of course best. Not only is its proc near-universal, but it also combines extremely well with the Kuva Twin Stubbas' exceptional natural Slash proc ability against most heavily armoured enemies. Indeed, you will need a very good reason to not take a Viral build. For Ferrite-armoured enemies and the Infested, particularly those on the Cambion Drift, Corrosive offers stronger direct damage.

For unarmoured Corpus, Toxin is extremely strong, bypassing their Shields entirely. Armoured Corpus generally resist this quite well however. Radiation deals strong direct damage against Alloy-armour, which is the other common Armour type. Against the select few enemies who have strong, non-bypassable Shields, Magnetic is the obvious best choice, however it is weak against almost everything else.

Recommended Setups: Viral vs everything, Corrosive vs Infested, Ferrite-armour, Toxin vs unarmoured Corpus, Magnetic vs strong Shields, Radiation vs Alloy-armour.

General Purpose 1-Forma:

One added V polarity and the additional Rank bonus and you can easily fit in both Primed Crit mods alongside Lethal Torrent. As can be seen from these images, the Primed Crit mods give the Kuva Twin Stubbas a substantial damage boost.

Recommended Setups: see above.

General Purpose 3-Forma:

Another 2 added V polarities and you can slot in almost anything in the eighth mod slot. As always, I defer to Seeker for Punch Through, though there are a number of good options.

Augur Pact is a decent no-nonsense damage boost, and Magnum Force is stronger though also reduces accuracy. Both become obsolete with +Damage Arcanes and Galvanised Shot in the mix. A (Primed) Expel can be a very strong multiplier especially against the Grineer, as the KTS can inflict a plethora of damage-over-time procs. Hydraulic Crosshairs and Sharpened Bullets can be solid conditional Crit boosts.

An extra elemental mod can be powerful, notably combining with the Kuva Lich bonus to form all kinds of otherwise impossible combinations. The most notable new combos are adding Heat alongside Corrosive or Viral, and Toxin alongside Radiation.
Carnis Stinger can be used if you want to maximise Slash proc frequency.

(Primed) Quickdraw can be used to alleviate the Kuva Twin Stubbas' slow Reload Time, though I don't personally find it to be too much of a problem.

For the Exilus slot, there are a couple of decent options. The KTS has noticeable recoil, making Steady Hands a reasonable choice if you struggle with it. (Primed) Pistol Ammo Mutation can be helpful for longer missions, as I find the KTS to eat through ammo quite quickly with Lethal Torrent. Eject Magazine is an alternative method to mitigate long Reload Time, adding a solid Reload-while-Holstered effect.

Recommended Setups: see above. Also consider: Viral + Heat vs everything, Corrosive + Heat vs Ferrite-armour, Infested, Radiation + Toxin vs Corpus

Galvanised Build and Arcane:

Galv Diffusion.

Galv Shot is a fantastic option. The Kuva Twin Stubbas inflict a heap of Status procs, and with a Magnetic or Radiation bonus can be set up to inflict up to 6 unique procs on its own. This gives a potential +720% Damage bonus, more than triple that of the regular Hornet Strike.

Galv Crosshairs can be solid. The KTS benefits solidly from Crit, and is precise enough to land headshots reasonably reliably. However, a lot of its power comes from damage-over-time procs, which will not stack Galv Crosshairs if they get the kill.

With Galv Shot installed, the KTS actually benefits most from Cascadia Accuracy/Overcharge, making them optimal choices if your playstyle suits them. Otherwise, all of the +Damage Arcanes are worth consideration as well.

Merciless is the no-fuss, stack-from-any-kill option. Its +Reload Speed is greatly appreciated on the KTS' fairly slow Reload Time as well. Deadhead can stack faster, offers more peak damage with its +Headshot Damage, and the Recoil reduction can be quite useful. However it has the same flaw as Galv Crosshairs where kills from procs will not count.

Finally, though Cascadia Flare does not offer any auxiliary benefit, it offers more maximum +Damage than the others, at +480% instead of +360%. The KTS can also easily inflict the Heat procs necessary to stack this bonus to its peak.

My Builds:

My go-to build is a little unusual, a Corrosive + Heat build without Lethal Torrent. This is specifically set up to complement the Primary, which is almost always set up for Viral. Lethal Torrent has been dropped in lieu of Seeker, which results in significantly lower DPS but much better anti-crowd capabilities. Reflex Draw allows a much faster draw of the KTS for whatever targets it is needed against.
With this build being focused specifically on being a Secondary, I favour Deadhead for its much faster stacking for maximum damage.

Kuva Lich Bonus

There are four clear options for the elemental bonus. Toxin combines into the most useful ones (Viral, Corrosive, pure Toxin), allowing you to minimise elemental mods and maximise mods for enhancing Slash procs. Heat is a strong addition alongside Viral or Corrosive as mentioned previously, and having it as a bonus means you don't need to install a mod for it.

I like having Radiation or Magnetic, and indeed I have a 60% of each. The extra combined element allows for otherwise-impossible and extremely strong combos such as Corrosive + Radiation or Viral + Magnetic. It also provides another multiplier for Galv Shot to benefit from.

Combat Use and Summary

With a large Mag Capacity and decent RoF, the Kuva Twin Stubbas function very well against groups. It is very capable of engaging and killing large numbers of weak enemies without too much downtime. Any added Punch-Through is a great help.

The KTS excels against heavily armoured enemies. Its high Status Chance and solid Slash bias allow it to stack numerous Slash procs augmented by Viral. Anything that survives the initial volley will be subject to a massive amount of armour-bypassing damage-over-time.

Where the KTS is least impressive is against unarmoured and especially Status-resistant/immune enemies with a lot of health. It does not have the best Crit or most impressive Burst DPS, though it can still hold its own.

The KTS has a noticeable recoil with Lethal Torrent installed. At close range, this matter little, however at medium and longer ranges, it can throw shots off target. Especially with Lethal Torrent, I find that it also consumes ammo quite quickly. For longer missions, I would definitely recommend at least one of Ammo Case/Mutation/etc.

Overall, the Kuva Twin Stubbas are a very strong weapon. They are relatively well rounded, capable of killing most enemies in Warframe, with both decent Crit and great Status Chance. The Kuva Lich bonus also gives it elemental versatility that few other (non-Kuva/Tenet) Secondaries can match. If you're after a Full-Auto, Status-leaning Secondary, or just a powerful Secondary in general, I definitely recommend the Kuva Twin Stubbas. They're nothing flashy or super special, but they get the job done very well.

The Kuva Twin Stubbas are one of my top go-to Secondaries, even more than two years after their release.


Vs Trash Mobs: 4.5/5 - High Mag Capacity, decent Fire Rate and reasonable damage output allow the Kuva Twin Stubbas to tear through groups with ease.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 3.5/5 - Even with the Kuva Lich bonus, the KTS does not have particularly high DPS, so does not fare especially well against high health unarmoured enemies.
Vs Armoured Heavies without Forced Slash: 5/5 - Very high Status Chance, good Fire Rate and high Slash bias make the KTS exceptional against heavy armour. It can rapidly max out Viral procs, then stack an enormous number of armour-bypassing Slash procs to deal immense scaling damage to heavily armoured targets.
Vs Armoured Heavies with Forced Slash: NA/5 - The Kuva Twin Stubbas does not need Hemorrhage to inflict a deluge of Slash procs.

Vs Variants

There is no regular Twin Stubbas, however there is a regular MR7 single Stubba, which is a reasonable comparison. Besides the usual differences you'd expect from single vs dual weapons (Mag Capacity, Fire Rate, Reload Time), the big difference comes in Status Chance. The MR13 Kuva Twin Stubbas have a drastically higher Status Chance than the MR7 single Stubba. The Kuva Damage Bonus also puts it ahead in Base Damage.


There are a number of other good Full-Auto Dual Secondaries in Warframe. The Kuva Twin Stubbas are more Status-inclined, and as such its closest competitors are the Dex Furis, Akstiletto Prime, Secura Dual Cestra, and Prisma Twin Gremlins.

Right off the bat, it exceeds all of these for DPS, especially with a large Kuva Lich bonus. It also has the second largest capacity, only slightly behind Secura Dual Cestra (which has an even longer Reload Time). KTS has the highest Status Chance and the best Slash bias. The Dex Furis inflicts far more Status procs-per-second due to its much higher RoF, but at the cost of munching far more ammo. The Akstiletto Prime and Prisma Twin Gremlins have lightning fast Reload Times, beneficial for the compulsive reloader like myself.

Overall, the Kuva Twin Stubbas are probably the best of the Status-leaning Full-Auto Dual Secondaries. It has formidable Status capabilities, as well as above-average direct-damage, a great Mag Capacity, and additional versatility from the Kuva Lich bonus.

Looking wider at Secondaries though, there are behemoths like the Kuva Nukor to consider, which muddy things considerably.


The Kuva Twin Stubbas is currently sitting at a below-average 2/5 (0.85) Riven disposition. This does not surprise me, as I consider the KTS to be a very strong weapon.

Naturally, +Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are all great stats to have. With Galvanised Mods and Weapon Arcanes in the mix, the Crit stats are the most valuable. +Elemental Damage can be solid, for more damage, shifting biases or to save mod slots. +Faction Damage is useful against super high level Grineer due to its double-dip on damage-over-time procs. +Reload Speed can be nice quality-of-life boost if you're a compulsive reloader like me. -Recoil is helpful if you struggle with it. +Punch Through is a great help against crowds.

-Impact/Puncture are both fantastic negatives to have, both being poor damage types and procs. -Faction Damage to a weaker faction (ie not Grineer) is generally fine. -Fire Rate alongside Lethal Torrent can be manageable. -Ammo Max is manageable alongside one of Ammo Case/Mutation/etc. -Projectile Speed has no effect. +Recoil is a good negative if you handle recoil well. -Zoom is great for close quarters combat.

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