
Thursday 12 May 2022

Prime Unvaulting: Chroma and Zephyr Primes (2022)

Another "new" Unvaulting, a straight re-run from around the same time last year: Chroma and Zephyr Primes. To be honest, not a lot has changed since then for these items.
Chroma Prime comes with Rubico and Gram Primes.
Chroma is a dragon/element-themed Warframe. He has two strong buff abilities, but also two more abilities that are niche at best. He is a great weapons platform thanks to his buffs, but offers little in gameplay loop besides refreshing timers.

Spectral Scream (1) deals a little elemental damage in a forward cone, with guaranteed proc. Its secondary effect is to switch between elements, which affects both (1) and (2). Elemental Ward (2) offers a buff to Chroma and nearby allies, depending on the element selected. Three of them increase survivability, while the fourth increases Reload and Holster Speeds. Vex Armour (3) gives Armour and weapon Damage buffs based on damage taken to Shields and Health respectively. These buffs apply both to Chroma and nearby allies. Effigy (4) deploys the pelt on Chroma's back, which stuns and attacks enemies, as well as increasing nearby Credit drops. While active, it halves Chroma's Armour but increases his movement speed.

Chroma's Augments are still not great. Afterburn (1) fires a very weak projectile after ending Spectral Scream, with its damage scaling based on the duration Spectral Scream was active. Everlasting Ward (2) causes Elemental Ward's effect to remain on allies who enter the buff area, even after they exit its radius. Vexing Retaliation inflicts Puncture or Blast procs on nearby enemies after sustaining sufficient damage to Shields or Health respectively. Guided Effigy (4) allows you to direct the Effigy to move.

Chroma Prime has increased Armour and Energy Pool compared to regular Chroma. Overall, Chroma is a strong but very dull buffing Warframe. He offers several great buffs, making him a good weapons platform, but does little outside of that.

Rubico Prime is an MR12 Sniper Rifle. It deals the highest Burst DPS of any Sniper, with great Crit and high Fire Rate, making it one of the most powerful single-target weapons in the game.

Gram Prime is an MR14 Heavy Blade Melee. It is extremely slow, but has some of the strongest per-hit stats of any Melee in the game and high Slash bias. If you can tolerate slow weapons, or regularly use Attack Speed-increasing equipment, the Gram Prime is a great Melee to acquire.

Zephyr Prime comes with Tiberon and Kronen Primes.

Zephyr is a bird/air/wind-themed Warfame, with a surprisingly well rounded and effective Ability kit.

Tail Wind (1) propels Zephyr quickly in the direction aimed. If used in the air while aiming downwards, she will slam into the ground, dealing radial damage that scales with her initial altitude. Airburst (2) launches a projectile that either pulls enemies in when it implodes, or launches enemies away when it explodes. Turbulence (3) creates a wind shield around Zephyr that repels enemy projectiles, but does not protect against explosions or melee attacks. Tornado (4) creates a number of tornadoes that pick up enemies, as well as absorbing and amplifying any attacks made into them.

Zephyr's Augments are a varied bunch. Anchored Glide disables her Passive and returns her fall speed/gravity to normal, while also increasing Power Strength by +15%. Target Fixation (1) increases the damage dealt by Tail Wind each time it hits an enemy, resetting upon staying on the ground for more than 2 seconds. Airburst Rounds (2) increases Secondary Damage for each enemy hit by Airburst. Jet Stream (3) increases movement speed and projectile speed for Zephyr and any nearby enemies while Turbulence is active. Funnel Clouds (4) increases the number of tornadoes created, but prevents them from picking up enemies.

Zephyr Prime has increased Armour, Energy Pool and Sprint Speed over regular Zephyr. Overall, Zephyr is an unusual but undeniably very powerful Warframe, with unconventional survivability, mobility and damage output. In the hands of a Player who understands her Abilities, she can be extremely powerful.

Tiberon Prime is an MR14 Select-Fire Rifle. Its three different firing modes possess varying Crit/Status spreads, allowing it to adapt to most targets. It faces particularly stiff competition from the MR15 Kuva Hind, which possesses the same firing modes but is (in my opinion) largely superior in most respects.

Kronen Prime is an MR13 Tonfa Melee. With great Crit/Status, high Slash bias, high Attack Speed and having access to one of the best Stances in the game (Sovereign Outcast), it is among the best Melees in the game currently.

If you are limited for time, I would prioritise acquisition of these items as such:
  1. Chroma/Zephyr Primes - Warframes tend to be more impactful than weapons, partly due to the sheer number of weapons available. Both Chroma and Zephyr have their uses. Chroma is a strong but boring weapons platform, while Zephyr offers an unconventional but surprisingly well rounded and effective Ability kit.
  2. Rubico/Gram/Kronen Primes - all of these weapons are incredibly strong and remain arguably best in their respective classes.
  3. Tiberon Prime - in my opinion, largely outclassed by the Kuva Hind among other newer releases.

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