
Saturday 26 March 2022

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/03/2022

Not a lot of interest in this Baro visit.

New Items

  • Reshantur Cult Syandana - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  •  None.


  • Primed Cryo Rounds - +165% Cold for non-Shotgun Primaries. 
  • Machete Wraith - MR11 Machete Melee. Solid stats all-round. The best of ordinary weapons in its class, with the only notable competitor being a Zaw with Exodia Arcane.


  • Combo Fury - Mod for Thrown Melee. On Melee kill, grants +100% Reload Speed and +100% Mag Capacity for Secondary for 12 seconds. A very odd conditional mod that doesn't even benefit the weapon it is installed on. Mod slots are already a premium as-is, and there are better mods to be installing on your Melee.
  • Primed Smite Infested - +55% Damage to Infested for Melee. Overkill for anything short of long Steel Path missions, and even then not the most useful of its brethren as Infested are the squishiest of all Factions.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime. Always in Baro's inventory.

Do Not Buy

  • Opticor Vandal - MR14 Charge Rifle. Solid damage-per-shot with minor AoE, and overall very good stats. Can also be acquired from doing Thermia Fractures, which provide several other rewards including enabling the Exploiter Orb fight. I would recommend against buying it from Baro unless you absolutely refuse to do Thermia Fractures.
  • 3-Day Credit Booster - Can also just be bought from Market for Plat.

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