
Saturday 9 October 2021

Baro Ki'Teer: 08/10/2021

The Vastilok has returned, quite quickly compared to other similar weapons which is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. A couple of other good items as well if you haven't picked them up previously.

New Items

  • Vastilok - MR9 Gunblade Melee.


Must Buy

  • Axi V8 Relic - one of two relics containing Volt and Odonata Prime parts. The only way to acquire either of them currently.


  • Vastilok - A decent Slash-focused Gunblade, better than Sarpa and the best one that can inflict Slash procs at range. Also the best user of Shattering Impact, which has specific good uses.
  • Axi A5 Relic - Relic containing Vasto and Akvasto Prime parts. Both are decent, if perhaps not great, weapons, and Vasto is normally Vaulted so not easy to acquire outside of specific Unvaults.
  • Prisma Grinlok - MR11 Semi-Auto Rifle. Very slow firing, but has very good Crit and great Status Chance, for overall solid damage-per-shot and Slash-proc capability. Decent in its class, but faces stiff competition from several other weapons including Kuva Hind in Semi-Auto, and the Kuva Chakkhurr.
  • Primed Chilling Grasp - +165% Cold for Shotguns. A large damage boost for any setup using Cold, though may require extra Forma and the D polarity can be trobulesome.


  • Prisma Tetra - MR4 Full-Auto Rifle. Hilariously outclassed by so many other weapons, only good for MR.
  • Combo Fury - Thrown Melee-only mod, that upon kill grants +100% Reload Speed and +100% Mag Capacity for 12 seconds to Secondary. Has to compete for the mod slot with very strong alternatives, offers somewhat niche stats, and is only of use if using both Secondary and Melee alongside one another.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to special mission series, awarding exclusive cosmetics and decoration. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime.

Do Not Buy

  • Pummel - +120% Impact for Pistols. Impact is a terrible damage type, and this mod can be bought for very cheap from other players anyway.
  • Maim - +120% Slash for Pistols. Not as useless as Pummel, but Carnis Stinger is pretty much always superior for the extra Status Chance.

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