
Sunday 29 August 2021

Loadouts: Profit-Taker Orb Saryn (U30.6.1)

It's been a while since my previous post about Profit-Taker, a time before the Helminth Segment existed, before I even had a good Exodia Contagion Melee. Much has changed since then, with significant impact on the PT meta.

Friday 27 August 2021

Baro Ki'Teer: 27/08/2021

A few useful items definitely worth getting your hands on.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Review: Kuva Hek (U30.6.1)

The Kuva Hek is an MR15 Shotgun, one of the three new Kuva weapons introduced in U30.5. It packs a great deal of firepower into a few shots, making it a very good single-target weapon, but is severely lacking when up against large numbers of enemies.

Saturday 21 August 2021

Review: Kompressa (U30.6.1)

The Kompressa is an MR8 Secondary. Yareli's signature Pistol, it fires slow-moving bubbles that explode a short time after impact. With pure Viral base damage and high Status Chance, it is a decent AoE weapon with a useful niche, but faces stiff competition from some other very strong weapons.

UPDATE 17/09/2022 (U32.0.6): specific details updated, primarily around the impact (or lack thereof) of Multishot.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Review: Tenet Arca Plasmor (U30.6.1)

The Tenet Arca Plasmor is an MR16 Shotgun, firing a single massive plasma wave. With several stat increases over the already strong Arca Plasmor, the TAPlasmor is a great crowd clearer and overall very solid weapon.

Friday 13 August 2021

Baro Ki'Teer: 13/08/2021

A new Floof to go with theone from last fortnight, otherwise not a whole lot of note this time around.

Review: Tenet Diplos (U30.6.1)

The Tenet Diplos is an MR16 Dual Secondary. Another new weapon introduced in U30.5 Sisters of Parvos, it is a conventional Full-Auto Secondary with a homing feature. With great Crit and an innate reload-while-holstered effect, it is a very solid weapon.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Prime Unvaulting: Nyx and Rhino Primes (2021)


Another "new" Unvaulting, Rhino is a useful one but Nyx is mystifying, considering she is permanently available from Railjack.

Sunday 8 August 2021

Review: Kuva Zarr (U30.6.0)

The Kuva Zarr is an MR15 bringer of death, one of the three new Kuva weapons added in U30.5. With an explosive Cannon mode that launches powerful explosives as well as a Barrage mode that deals great concentrated damage, it is a versatile and extremely capable weapon.

Monday 2 August 2021

Review: Tenet Detron (U30.5.5)

The Tenet Detron is an MR16 Shotgun Secondary, one of the many weapons introduced in U30.5: Sisters of Parvos. Packing a very solid stat spread, it is a fairly powerful, if not particularly exceptional, weapon.