
Friday 2 July 2021

Baro Ki'Teer: 03/06/2021

Prisma Machete has appeared as expected, with the surprise addition of the Opticor Vandal.

New Items

  • Prisma Machete - MR7 Machete Melee.
  • Opticor Vandal - MR14 Charge-fire Rifle. Also available from the regular Thermia Fractures on Orb Vallis.


Must Buy

  • None.


  • Primed Heated Charge - +165% Heat for Secondaries. A big damage boost to any build it is in, and Heat is a great damage type and proc to have.
  • Prisma Veritux - MR8 Archmelee. Arguably the best one in the game currently, though that's not saying much as Archmelee is in quite a poor spot right now. Nonetheless, if you want to invest in Archwing gear, this is worth the buy.
  • Prisma Gorgon - MR11 Spool-Up Rifle. Crit-focused, dealing quite good direct damage. Has poor accuracy and heavy recoil especially in sustained fire, and a relatively poor Reload Ratio for its class. Also faces stiff competition, notably from the fairly new but very good Tenora Prime.
  • Eminence - A colour palette that can be acquired without spending Plat.


  • Prisma Machete - Vastly outclassed by other Melees, including the far superior Machete Wraith.
  • Primed Fast Hands - +55% Reload Speed for non-Shotgun Primaries. Nice for some weapons (e.g. Trumna), but has very stiff competition for the mod slot.
  • Primed Heavy Trauma - +165% Impact damage. Impact is a terrible damage type and proc, so its only good use is with Atlas, whose Landslide (1) deals pure Impact damage.
  • Primed Pack Leader - +66% Companion healing on melee strikes. Hilariously overkill compared to the regular Pack Leader given how ridiculously overpowered Melee is right now. A Rank 0-2 Pack Leader is already more than enough if you have a half-decent Melee and build, the Primed version is simply unnecessary.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key to exclusive mission line, awarding exclusive cosmetics. Can only be purchased and played with Inaros Prime.

Do Not Buy

  • Opticor Vandal - Relatively slow firing, dealing good damage-per-shot, with reasonable Status Chance and some nice AoE. The main reason it is down here rather than much higher is that it is also available from doing Thermia Fractures, which you need to do to acquire Hildryn and some of the Amalgam mods anyway. In my opinion, your Ducats and Credits are better directed towards Baro-exclusive items. If you do not want to or cannot do Thermia Fractures, I would put Opticor Vandal solidly in the "Good" section.
  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint - Offers nothing that other Specters (notably Warframe Specters) cannot match or exceed, whether it be damage output, survivability or CC.

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