
Tuesday 23 March 2021

New Mods: Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage (U29.10.2)


U29.10 was predominantly a Railjack update, adding in Corpus Railjack nodes, as well as another rework of Railjack mechanics. However, in the midst of all this, it also introduced two rather unusual mods.

Both Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage have the same effect, just for different weapon types. The former works on non-Shotgun Primaries, the latter on Secondaries. Their effect is a Status-version of Hunter Munitions, with 35% chance for an Impact proc to also inflict Slash. Notably, the chance is doubled if modded Fire Rate is below 2.5, which is quite a step up from HM. 

However, they are also a lot more restrictive than HM. Not only are they much higher drain, but have an additional level of conditionality. Where Hunter Munitions can activate just from a Crit, IB/H require a Status proc to be inflicted, and for that proc to be Impact, before even having a chance to trigger.

Even for the weapons with high Impact bias and Status Chance, the question often becomes why not just add in a +Heat mod instead (ie Thermite Rounds/Scorch)? Such a mod not only unambiguously increases direct damage, but can also further improve Status Chance and add a very strong proc into the mix. Indeed, for most weapons, this route often ended up being the superior option.

However, there is a specific list of weapons for which these new mods ended up being very effective on. The common factors? They are all slow-firing, and inflict guaranteed Impact procs.

Image taken from the Warframe Wiki:

Indeed, these weapons can make the best use of the new mods because they guarantee an Impact proc, so every shot has a solid chance to inflict Slash procs. Of all the weapons in this list, I don't own a Daikyu or Sonicor, and the Arca Plasmor and Catchmoon (Primary) can't equip either as they are Shotguns.

The Acceltra, Stahlta (Alternate Fire), Tombfinger (Primary) and Zakti family all have forced Impact procs on direct hits, but not on their explosions. As such, though they can inflict extra Slash procs on their primary target, they will do nothing extra to nearby enemies. The Acceltra and Tombfinger (Primary) much prefer HM as that will proc on the explosion as well, and the Zakti family prefers more straight Damage or Elemental. The Stahlta prefers HM as well, for the same reason but also because HM is much better for its Primary Fire than IB.


The Fulmin's Semi-Auto fires a small wave-like projectile that deals a forced Impact proc within 10 metres. With unmodded Fire Rate, IB gets its double bonus that gives it a much higher chance of proccing than HM.

Beyond this close range however, and in Full Auto, IB does nothing. In such situations, HM continues to work.

The Kuva Chakkhurr is particularly potent with IB. Its small explosions deal a guaranteed Impact proc, and it natively deals pure Impact on direct hits with decent Status Chance. It also fires very slowly for the bonus effect, with a net result of far more Slash procs than with HM. Conveniently, as a Kuva weapon, the KChakkhurr will have an enormous amount of mod capacity after a few Forma, making IB a lot easier to fit in.

Combined with its additional headshot multiplier, the KChakkhurr can deal immense amounts of damage to even Steel Path enemies, and any survivors will be dispatched shortly with enormous Slash procs.

The Nagantaka inflicts forced Impact procs with direct hits, allowing IB to stack up very quickly with its natural Slash procs. The net result is a weapon that dishes out great numbers of Slash procs on single targets.

Like the Fulmin, the Quellor's Alternate Fire has a forced Impact proc in a massive wave, and has a low enough Fire Rate to get the double bonus. Though not guaranteed, it has a very high chance of inflicting ridiculously large Slash procs. Anything caught in the wave will either be immediately obliterated, or die one damage tick later.

Again like the Fulmin however, IB does almost nothing for the Quellor's Primary Fire.


The Catchmoon (Secondary) has a similar projectile to the Fulmin (Semi-Auto) and Quellor (Alternate Fire), inflicting a guaranteed Impact proc within 10 metres. A Haymaker or Lovetap Grip will provide a Fire Rate below 2.5 even with Lethal Torrent, for maximum effect from Hemorrhage.

The net result is a Secondary that is great at clearing out groups, as well as blasting heavy enemies with huge Slash procs.

The Tombfinger Secondary also deals forced Impact procs on direct hits, and a Haymaker grip without Lethal Torrent stays below 2.5 Fire Rate. However, this is somewhat less optimal - Lethal Torrent is a best-in-slot mod for practically every Secondary, so forgoing it means sacrificing a lot of direct DPS. Additionally, just dropping in +Heat instead of Hemorrhage is a fairly solid option, particularly as it affects the explosions as well.


Of all the existing weapons I've tried that notably benefit from Internal Bleeding or Hemorrhage, the Catchmoon (Secondary) is in my opinion the biggest benefactor. All of the Primaries could already benefit reasonably from Hunter Munitions (or other mods in the case of Nagantaka), while the Tombfinger (Secondary) explosions do not benefit. The Catchmoon (Secondary) makes excellent use of Hemorrhage at close range, inflicting constant Slash procs, allowing it to circumvent its otherwise low Status proc output.

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