
Saturday 27 February 2021

Baro Ki'Teer: 27/02/2021

Nothing strictly new here, but the Electric dual-stat mods are always useful to have available.

New Items

  • Deimos Saxum/Carnis Prex - Decorations. Previously available from the Deimos Twitch campaign.


Must Buy

  • Jolt - +60/60% Electric mod for Secondaries. Baro is the only source for it and it is a very useful mod, notably combining into Corrosive or Radiation.
  • High Voltage/Shell Shock - +60/60% Electric mod for Rifles and Shotguns respectively. Also very useful, but can be farmed from Eris Hive Sabotage Caches. I wouldn't bother farming them though, as the drop rate is pretty low.


  • Prisma Gorgon - MR11 spool-up Rifle. High Crit for good burst DPS, but has a number of downsides. Also largely outclassed by the newly released Tenora Prime.


  • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation - Ammo mutation mod for Secondaries. Overkill for the majority of weapons, with the regular Ammo Mutation usually being enough. Of note though, an unranked version of the Primed has 0 drain.
  • Viper Wraith - MR4 Pistol. Hilariously outclassed by many other weapons.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key for exclusive mission series. Can only be bought and played with Inaros Prime. Awards exclusive cosmetics and decoration.

Do Not Buy

  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint - Does not offer anything that other Specters cannot easily match or exceed - Warframe Specters in particular.
  • Pummel - +120% Impact for Secondaries. Impact is a rubbish damage type in the first place, plus as the mod also drops from the Teralyst, it can be bought from other players for very cheap.

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