
Saturday 10 October 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 09/10/2020

Another Baro visit, a lot of good stuff this time around.

New Items

  • Combo Fury - Mod for Thrown Melee. Upon achieving a Melee kill, increases Reload Speed and Mag Capacity for Secondary by 100% for 12 seconds.


Must Buy

  • Primed Target Cracker - +110% Crit Damage for Secondaries. A big boost for any good Crit Secondary, of which there are a lot.
  • Primed Ravage - +110% Crit Damage for Shotguns. There are far fewer Crit Shotguns, but each of them still greatly appreciates this huge boost.


  • Primed Fever Strike - +165% Toxin for Melee. A huge boost to some of the best damage types in the game, for easily the best weapon class in the game.
  • Primed Cryo Rounds - +165% Cold for Rifles. A large damage boost to wherever it fits, notably in Viral-based builds (which is most builds these days). The D polarity can be slightly troublesome to work around, given that the Cold mod is pretty much the only relevant one on Rifles.
  • Prisma Gorgon - MR11 Spool-Up Rifle. Crit-focused, dealing quite high DPS, though has very heavy recoil and surprisingly low Reload Ratio.


  • Prisma Skana - MR8 Single Sword Melee. Outclassed by several other Single Swords, including Broken War which you get for free from completing Quests.
  • Combo Fury - If you enjoy using Thrown Melee alongside Secondaries (particularly single Secondaries for the unique dual-wield mechanic), this is a neat option to improve certain Secondaries that appreciate the Reload Speed/Mag Capacity buff. The main problem of course is that it takes up a Melee mod slot, and that Thrown Melee are not in the best spot right now.
  • Grustrag Three Beacon - Gear item to forcibly spawn the G3. Useful if you want to rapidly farm their drops, but does not offer anything they do not already drop from random encounters.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's inventory.
  • Baro Void-Signal - Key for exclusive mission. Can only be bought and played as Inaros Prime. Offers some unique cosmetics as a reward.

Do Not Buy

  •  None.

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